Forum Discussion
Typing objectively in the title does not mean your arguments are objective.
The wingman needs 3 shots to down a target with a white armor (if those shots are body shots).
That means that the person getting shot has a lot of time to start jumping, strafing and go to cover to avoid being killed. If that person chooses to fight even though a person with the wingman has landed already 2 shots on them, then that is their fault and should lose that fight.
When i jump people with alternator fully decked out most people, stick and want to fight with me, only to find out that was a bad idea since i have destroyed their armor in the first mag and have already reloaded the second mag in before they have managed to get a single shot at me.
In other words if people get the jump on you, you are at a disadvanatege and should choose wisely whether to engade or not no matter what weapon they are using.
As for peacekeeper, keep your distance and you will be just fine. Even a fully decked out one, cannot do enough damage to kill you easily when you are far from the person using it.
Weapons have strong points and weak points. The weakpoints of wingman is the recoil. That means if you keep jumping and strafing the person shooting you will have a hard time killing you you.
The weak point of the shotgun is the range. Use those to your advantage.
I hear a lot of people complaining about the peacekeeper or wingman in particular, as if thats the only loadout that pros run, but I find myself with a different weapon loadout almost every game and i've had great results with just about every weapon ( including the hard to use mozambique , remember this pistol fires two shots to the body and 1 to the head so aim accordingly ).
The P2020 is probably the only gun I haven't had much luck with, although I haven't tried it a whole lot to be fair, but I like the fact that its so hard to use, makes for a fun round when you're stuck with it early game sometimes. I still wouldn't give it a buff though just because I like the games current balance.
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