Forum Discussion
During season 5 I got back into Apex and started having a really good time
majority of the guns were at a decent place...
then season 6 came and everything has changed
I feel like I want to leave apex now because all people do is rush with the volt and the devotion
and with the reduced shields, these fast firing guns added to the game feel out of place
and apex doesn't feel like apex anymore
if I wanted this fast TTK I would've just played war zone
the new gun meta is really taking away from the apex experience
I'm close to quit Apex. Season 5 was fun but now audio is a mess. Silent squads just supprise you with two Devos and a VOLT.
It's so sad what this game has become.
I'm normally running a Flatline with either a Mastiff, Triple Take or R301 as secondary - depending what supports my squad the best. What shall I say, if there is more than one devo on the other team and you get in a sweaty situation, you get clapped. There is no chance in getting away or firing back.
Today I had a few rounds where my team was downed immediately by Devos. I downed a Gibby and a Bloodhound with my Flatline in a close combat. Both where running a devo so I must got lucky and while I was switching weapons and trying to get around the corner, a wraith dropped on me with a VOLT and finished me off. This situation is so common now, it's frustrating.
So I'm now playing also devo and volt. I'm playing more passive/defense to not run into a camping Rampart and her Sheila.
It used to be an awesome game where skill ment something and movement was fun. Now it's just about getting a turbo charger and enough ammo.
- 5 years ago
Yeah footsteps have been all over the place, I hear footsteps behind me....turns out they are from my teammate 10 feet in front of me.
- 5 years ago
the devotion is weaker than the volt. it ruins ramparts passive. because the spitfire is worse than the devotion. and the l-star heavy is worse than the spitfire. all light machine guns are worse than the volt. not even close.
- 5 years ago
@gg123xyzI personally think the Devo is the strongest gun in the game but there are so many good viable guns in season 6. Hemlock, Flatline, Prowler. Havoc, Devotion, Volt, R301, Mastiff, G7, Triple take, Longbow and Even the Eva 8 are viable. Now we just need a little bit of adjustment to the Devo and maybe the Volt and we are good to go.
Oh and buff the friggin Alternator... Please. 👍
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