Forum Discussion
The leaver penalty is the best feature of Season 3. Leave it. The only change they should make is if a teammate grabs your banner and doesn't respawn you within a minute or two, then you can leave without penalty. Two minutes out of your day isn't much. Stick with your team and you'll either win or lose. Simple.
- 6 years ago
@TrippleStar215 schrieb:
@jonesy0218I can NOT disaagree more!! I now have to wait 6 HOURS!! YES! hours!!! Until I can play again , all because my banner was stuck in round 3 storm and my teammates couldn’t get it! ridiculous , And it doesn’t have any pattern or anything as to which u get it ! It’s just random!! Sometimes I get a ridiculous amount of time sometimes I get 10 minutes , sometimes I don’t get it at ALL! I say GET RID OF IT !! or at least dole it down a bit like ignore u leave 2 times in a row u get 5 minutes, do it again twice in a row 10 minutes , the fin u dont do it more than 2 times after that then it resets and u only get 5 minutes again if u do it twice in a row!!Yeah Bro, You don't get a 6 hours penalty if you abondon your mates for the first time, not even for two or three times, so who are you lying to?
You could have waited 1 minute before the beacon times out. Then you can leave legally, what a big deal right?
Maybe you learn form it, maybe not. I truly do not care.
- 6 years ago@JjumpingJjack false, left teammate maybe 3 days ago and had a 20 minute time ban today qued into ranked took a leak legend got taken heard if ya left before game took you wouldnt get penalized it jumped to 90 minutes this is first game of ranked i left today....
- 6 years ago@TrippleStar215 Gotta love forums and the internet, where you can portray yourself as totally innocent and lie with no f$cks given at all lolol
- 6 years ago
Any system which discourages those idiots who think they're Shroud, always want to land in high loot or heavy fight zones, get downed in 5 second and then instantly rage is fine by me. If you are jumpmaster and decide on then landing zone, so long as your team land in the same area, if you immediately rage once died, imo you should get an hour ban straight off.
Same thing for people who launch solo and abandon their team... maybe you think you have the right to play Apex solo, but you're still screwing over two other people when you make that decision (however that should also be paired with an option to allow people to play solo in team games if they want - why not, what harm would it do? Better than screwing over two other people)
- 6 years ago@TrippleStar215 good to know this has happened to someone else timer has no rhyme or reason to how long your "ban" is its just * terrible and well now i gotta go shell $60 out for ghost recon breakpoint
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