Bring Reactive Weapon Skins to the Shop!
The short summury of my post:
- Bring reactive weapon skins starting from the first season into rotation to the special section in the shop. Maybe one-two skins for the beginning, to learn feedback from the community. I will also provide an example of how it may be introduced in my second post.
- Players, let's discuss the topic, share your thoughts, push likes.
- I would very much like for some official persons, admins to be involved in this discussion.
There are many cool skins from the past (not only reactive weapon skins), it's a crime to hide them from the community, it's counterproductive. Bring the joy to all of us and the income for yourself, I'm sure, you will get good money by selling skins that already exist.
Of course, some greedy persons will say: "you promised not to do it, these skins are exclusive, aaaa..." - but they will NOT stop playing Apex because you throw some skins into the shop. Those who would stop - will do it due to some different reasons, not because you made statements about exclusivity in the past and now change your mind.
We can describe this exclusivity in this way: a kid came into the candy shop with his mom at 8.00 and bought all the candies of certain types before other kids. They came at 9.00. Now the kid refuses to share his exclusive candies with other children. He will eat them alone, for a very long time, no matter what other kids want to taste them and ready to pay even more than his mom paid in the shop.
You see? This is ridiculous and not healthy. It's time to share these candies with other kids! There's no logical reason why I can't get the golden reactive skin of Eva (110 tier) from s18 just because I started to play in season 22. Also I don't care if the current alternator reactive skin will go to the shop just after s24 ends.
The majority of players purchase battle passes due to 3 reasons: they want to get new cool skins, to get additional packs, to get crafting metals and AC. Almost no one will state - they do it to get some exclusive, to be special...
Those who are interested, old players who missed some skins before, those who are not greedy and may share the joy with others - share your thoughts in comments. Devs, do a favor to us and to yourself - bring old skins to the shop rotation. My credit card is already reactive and wants to throw my money away.