Movement and Hit Reg need attention
The movement tech in this game needs a complete overhaul. Apex is losing players due to people bouncing around so unnaturally. My opponents should have somewhat predictable movement in the sense it shouldn't be possible to just warp all over the place. Players should have momentum. It shouldn't be possible to go from a complete stand still to instantly moving at full speed. And far as I'm aware, you can't do this. I know players like Faide have the timing down to the ms, where they know how to get the lowest movement penalties possible. On their screen it looks okay, but on their opponents, it always looks impossible. Between desync, maybe engine related, and low tick rates, this makes for a really poor experience as well.
Then another big culprit of hard to read visuals is lurching. For some players, they don't seem to get any movement penalties what so ever. They can tap strafe back and forth disregarding any cool downs. I also suspect a lot of players are cheating by disabling slow down, sway animations, fall penalties, slide cool downs, there's just no way people can move this fast.
I just feel like this needs to be discussed way more. People are afraid to speak up because the typical "get good, this might not be your game, skill issue, etc".
I'm just so tired of shots not connecting. I'm aiming at my opponent and nothing is registering, at least in close quarters. The game literally falls apart in those situations. Their character model is "here", but their hit box is now shifted "here".
90% of the time I'm leading my team in damage, most times doubling the combined damage of my teammates. So while I'm not the best player ever or anything, I am a competent FPS player that's been at it for years, with pretty decent gear.
Anyways, I know this is just screaming into a void, but wanted to get this off my chest. I'm SO freaking tired of all shooters having this issue currently. The hardware keeps getting better, but the performance is getting so much worse than a decade ago. Games are getting too complicated to the point they feel awful with hit reg because frankly, they're just sending way too much data.