Not trying to defend the matchmaking in this game. It's pretty bad. But...
"we die within a minute of landing to a team that has over 4k hours and no life"
...tells me that matchmaking is only part of the problem. Your choice of drops is another part. Sometimes when you smash your face against a brick wall repeatedly, the brick wall crumbles. But mostly it doesn't. It just stays there until you're so bruised and bloody that you quit the game and go back to Fortnite. But there are other options apart from the hot drop. Yes, you have a right to drop as hot as you like. And matchmaking has a right to punish you for it. Stop letting the game punish you. Play smarter. Drop cool and engage later in the match when luck is less of a factor and you've had time to gear up and position yourself for success. It won't work every time, but hot dropping, in my experience, doesn't ever work any time. It will also have the effect of lowering the metrics that the matchmaker is currently using as a rationale for pitting you against 4k no lifers. So your matches just might, over time, get a little less aggressive.
Food for thought.