tap strafe macro?
So as Apex will be removing tap strafing by un allowing you to bind W to scroll wheel on M+K I was curious as to why using a macro to press W a few times would work. It will as will just spamming W while doing an air strafe. Is this allowed? I feel like it should be as its not really harming the game. I wouldn't be using a macro for single fire no recoil (which you can do by jitter aiming or single fire and adding scroll wheel to shoot already) it would just save me spamming W in the air. This seems like something that respawn should allow as they haven't directly removed tap strafing but they have just made it more inaccessible (funny as that was their main issue initially) Can someone from EA or Respawn confirm or deny that using a macro to spam W is allowed? IMO it should be and tap strafe should come back as well. Thanks,