Forum Discussion
I think macros are okay if you compare to aimbot
Macro's will end up in a ban.
Every kind of 3rd party software is against the EA User Agreement.
- 6 years ago
im using bloody mouse, but i never use that software (bloody) which has macro too. this game doesnt need those macro craaap if ur guns level 3 upgrades.
guns with level 3 is almost same has macros.
- 6 years ago
Hi so check this out....So I have a G.Skill Ripjaws km570 mx keyboard and there is others like it where it has on board macros. I say this because there is no software it works at a hardware level. There on the fly macros witch one has to ask would this be cheating ? Allow me to explain. So a software macro can make you have out of this world key strokes as you can play with the timing in the software. The keyboard macros sense it don't have software you cant play with any timings. You're keys you hit and timing for the keys all have to be put in in real time so it's like something you can already do you are just doing it again. So unless you get a pro player to make the key hits for you or have another person with you pressing other keys it's kind of hard to make it really worth it.
I'm sure this is still bad and can get a account band due to the game might not even know the difference. To the game a macro is a macro at best and it will come up looking the same.
Not only that a player should take pride in playing to there best fully. If anyone is looking for a edge in a video game lets be real there not the best of players and if they spend half the time they spend trying to find way to cheat the system and work on there skills then they would already be a better player then they are. I will never understand people that cheat in games. How can one even feel good when you know you had the unfair advantage on someone. The kind of person that does such a thing id bet is a look at me kind of person rather then a person that is willing to work on themselves. A issue like that goes much beyond any video game and they need reevaluate things in there life. I myself have used macros in video games before but, only to really fool around like have my toon walk around by it's self or have a car make a perfect spin every time and just silly things like that. I never used them for a way to win over another player. I just happen to have them on my keyboard so there always there so from time to time I mess with them just because reasons. After seeing this post though and my goals I have for myself on Apex I think il opp not to even fool around with them. I was just in the training map messing with them and wanted to see if they even were allowed for just because reasons. I wish not to have a ban so my advice for everyone to be not even mess with it.
- DarthValtrex6 years agoHero+“If anyone is looking for a edge in a video game lets be real there not the best of players and if they spend half the time they spend trying to find way to cheat the system and work on there skills then they would already be a better player then they are.“
The thing you have to understand is that some people will never be good enough to make predator or even the top 10%. They won’t have the reaction time, eye hand coordination and so on. Lots of people want to become famous streamers and make money gaming. Some are going to do everything they can to try and get there. Look at pro sports and steroid use... most of the mega stars of the 80’s and 90’s were juicing up.
Yet even those who make the top 500, the difference in skill is minimal. It really starts to boil down to who has better loot, can surprise the enemy or who has high ground or favorable ring location.- 6 years ago
" It really starts to boil down to who has better loot, can surprise the enemy or who has high ground or favorable ring location. "
You forgot to include adderall
- 6 years ago
So then I take it you'll be banning Dieagosaurus the Twitch streamer and some others? There's plenty of his highlights where he has his mouse cam on clearly showing P2020 macros, Mastiff Animation cancel Macros etc. Just watch the finger on the side of his mouse when he uses those weapons and how fast the p2020 shoots like an r99 and the mastiff is basically as fast as double tap eva with no delays between the 2 shot bursts.
He simply holds down the side button and blows people away in .3 seconds. He's a good player, good aim but abuses the hell out of macros as do a TON of streamers.
So are they getting off because they bring attention to your game and have a camera in front of their face?
If you want a youtube video link with Timestamps I'll happily give it to you, I have nothing personal against the guy but watching streamers that are average/slightly above average get predator because of the insane amount of exploits or, we'll just say methods against your TOS and clearly stated here should be dealt with then, that's a lot of popular people showing your game.- 6 years ago
Since the Logitech G502 and the P2020 have been mentioned, I'm curious what people view the "scroll wheel" trick as.
For those that don't know, the G502 has a feature where you can unlock the scroll wheel and spin it freely (called like infinite scroll or something). The idea being, that by binding your fire key to say, scroll down, you can unlock the wheel and give it a good flick and your p2020 will max it's fire rate and SHRED.
I've heard of this being used in other games like CS:GO, and if were being honest I've tried it in Apex (I don't care for it, the wheel is super sensitive and a p2020 going brrrrrrrrrrt is hard to control). I am curious whether this kind of thing falls in the same vein as macros when it comes to whether or not it's "cheating".
- GRiPSViGiL6 years agoSeasoned Ace@blkarmphoenix Anything that automates actually pressing the buttons or circumventing game mechanics is cheating to me.
- 6 years ago
So are they getting off because they bring attention to your game and have a camera in front of their face?
yup...some are paid to play and stream APEX
- 6 years ago
Funny thing is i{m tired of reporting macro cheaters, but they are not banned .... :/
- 6 years ago
@HardcoreCetraTrue. I have seen many streamers using macros for no recoil and no one is getting banned. It is not fair me trying to get better in the game with the full recoil settings and some other pathetic kids can abuse the macro. A lot of them already have over 20k kills in a lifetime and I am 100% sure they have the macro. Me playing at the normal settings possible I have now in season 4, 5k lifetime kills and 744 hours played. It would be nice for the game to invest in a security guard anti-cheats and macros. Let's see then how many players will be left playing the actual normal game...
- 6 years ago
This game is all about the numbers. Make it cool and get as many as possible to play.
Make the heros political correct and avoid critical press at any cost. That’s fair enough, if you want another focus you should move on.Macros: not allowed, but we look the other way if you do.
No muzzle flash: It’s not in the menu, other than that it’s up to you.
Reports: Just a little something we have in the game to make everyone happy. We might hire someone to follow up some of the reports in the future, but for now we really need to focus on content.
Aimbot: You should be fine as long as you don’t use a cheap one. Just don’t overdo it, should you happen to kill one of our devs or one of our sponsored twitchers you’ll probably get banned.
Ahh, you play with a controller I hear? Heck, then we’ll just throw in aimbot for free. Enjoy
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