I get the the same issuee with "Party is not ready" after game crash with "code:net". I also try restsarting my PS4 but loons like the account was locked in gane. Ten minutes later, I can get in the queqe again to play.
Firts I get the "look arround" Moment: characteres get frozen an I only can look arround. Then promped to main title with error code.
I'm not a pro gamer and it's hard to find a squad that keep playing with you a lot, when you are not Good as they are. So sonetimes keep alive with a full squad and reach top 5 rank, and get this bug at the Middle of the match, it's really really frustrating as hell. Specialy when you lose all the xp, event points, etc.
I really love the game, but really guys, I fix is needed.