4 years ago
Suspension without warning for one bad word
I got a 7 day suspension for writing one bad word in Apex chat. I did read the terms and conditions, EA never once in the past issued me a warning (please see the screenshot). Please lift the suspension. I have made an appeal but your representatives clearly didn't read anything nor care. Please note I simply wrote one bad word (was not racist nor objectively offensive)
You will need to speak to our Terms of Service team @djmixxxa69.
In relation to the TOS, as it says our team may warn, suspend or ban you, there is no system where you are required to receive a warning first.
The process to contact our ToS team can be found here: https://help.ea.com/en-us/help/account/information-about-banned-or-suspended-accounts/
- Click Contact us at the top of any page on EA Help.
- Select the game that your account was banned or suspended from. If it’s on your whole EA Account, choose Origin.
- Choose your platform.
- Select Manage my account, then Banned or suspended account.
- Fill out any other details below.
- For example, if you picked Origin, it might ask you if you are accessing the game through an Origin Access membership.
- Click Select contact option.
- Sign in to your account that has the ban or suspension, if you aren’t already.