@ExxInferis wrote:
@RayD_O1I presume you mean 'Match-making'? If so then it is handled like other previous BF iterations regardless of whether you have a server browser.
You click 'join' and it finds you a server based on region and ping. It does not look at your stats until it has already assigned you a server. Once in the server, then it looks at your skill simply to see what team to put you on for balance purposes.
Yes the BF2042 seems to have a bug/feature which puts you in the same map over and over and over. Namely Kaleidoscope for me. Maybe this is because the game is trying to get me to play the maps evenly, and I drop out of Kaleidascope 90% of the time it puts me in there.
Why have they gone this way? I think it is a way to dynamically scale server requirement based on demand. This way you never have servers sat empty which would cost EA money for no net gain. It's all about the Benjamins sadly.
Yep, all about saving money and also why portal servers close down if all players leave.
Permanent servers have been on the chopping block since BC1.
They only brought it back for BF3 and have always made the previous quick match option more prominent when looking to join an online game to try and push more players to quick match / mm.
I've always wondered when they would do away with it and 2042 is the game they chose to cut out the server browser.
As I've previously advised the OP, the community feedback that EA listen to and fear the most is the reddit main sub which has 200,000 members, the most a battlefield game has ever had on reddit, and unfortunately they aren't too bothered about a missing server browser.
Their pitchforks are out for:
Removing specialists
Scoreboard (lol)
New Infantry chokepoint maps
This forum has far too little interaction to influence anything.