EA, are you really going to kill BF1 like this?
It's been more than a month since the EU servers for PlayStation have been broken. It's been basically three weeks since US servers for PlayStation suffer from lag issues every day. There issues are well known to everyone by now. There are dozens of posts here, on reddit, on twitter and now even videos on youtube.
Battlefield 1 is my favourite game of all time. It's not my favourite shooter or my favourite online PVP game, it's my favourite game of all time, full stop, and I get the feeling you're trying to kill it.
The game has had a massive influx of new players in the last months and you're doing your best to drive them away forever. It seems like you're trying your hardest to make me finally give this game up.
Why haven't we heard anything? Are you even trying to fix this problem? What are we supposed to expect? Is this ever going to be fixed? I don't expect everything to be fixed when I demand it. I understand these server problems are tricky. I just want COMMUNICATION, I just expect to be treated like the paying customer that I am.
So please, can I have an official word from anyone working on this? How long are we to live like this? Is anyone working to fix it? Why is it that when American servers break, they are fixed within hours, and European servers haven't been fixed in months?
Can anyone offer an explanation?