EA app bugged
im pretty sure the ea app is broken for me for the past day or two
all my friends are showing as offline and i appear offline for them too. i think its because theyre on an updated version of the ea app while mine isnt. they got the prompt to restart the app to update but i havent gotten it. unfortunately because of this i cannot invite or join them to play games. one of my friends was online for me yesterday and i was online for him too but he got the prompt to update the ea app and then when he updated i appeared offline for him and he appeared offline for me
ive tried the following:
- reinstalled the app
- cleared cache
- tried the repair option in installer
- deleted/blocked my friends and unblocked and re added
- left the pc on overnight with the ea app open hoping to get the update app prompt
- ran ea app as admin
- tried different ea account
- changed dns servers to and
nothing works and unfortunately the 2 games im trying to play need my friends to be online for me to invite or join them and because its bugged where i appear offline for everyone and everyone appears offline for me, i cannot do anything (yes i checked if i have appear offline is enabled and it isnt, i am online). its strange that i can send messages and my friends send messages to me in the app but it still shows me as offline. any help would be appreciated, maybe there is a way to force update the app that i dont know of.