Forum Discussion

LazyBuzzard86's avatar
3 hours ago

Features Missing / Bugs

Please fix this EA, I know the game has only just come out but it shouldn’t have launched like this…

1 - Exact Region / Group Size missing on Chel… This is a huge problem and if it’s not a bug needs to be added back asap!

2 - Intermission / Inbetween Play Overlays such as the Grude Match and Highlights stay on screen for too long resulting in missing the face off / start of a play, this is happening for my friend too but doesn’t happen to us all the time…

3 - Turning vibration off in controller settings does not disable vibration (PS5)

4 - Turning off controller audio then quitting the game / restarting PS5 turns controller audio back on

4 - Missing NHL / AHL colour options in custom branding when customising the brand of your chel team

5 - Alt Jersey not saving jersey or socks when going in team practice on chel (none scrimmage)

6 - Replay showing previous goal scored instead of penalty...

Some of these bugs / missing features are game breaking honestly, didn’t pay all this money for the deluxe edition to experience this day one, I 110 percent won’t be buying at launch ever again! If it takes too long to correct the above… 

(Other than that I love how the game plays, the skating physics etc, but come on please fix what I and others have mentioned sooner rather than later otherwise this game will flop)

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