Forum Discussion

hoosier9191's avatar
Rising Newcomer
3 months ago

Crashing. Lagging. Bugs galore.

This game is truly broken. I cannot play a full game without it completely shutting down my Xbox. Let’s not forget that even when I’m able to play a game, I have to deal with this laggy / button input delay that EA hasn’t seemed to be able to fix for years now. The fact that you’ll ask me if I have a vented area without an Xbox overheating is long passed being a viable response. There are literally 0 other games I play outside of EA games where I’ve ever experienced crashing and button input delay on this level. This is truly unacceptable. I have bought every copy of EA NHL / FIFA since NHL99. 26 years of being a repeat customer & the fact that your team cares more about the money being made from ultimate team than the part of the actual game that originally brought you all your player base is so concerning because it proves you all do not care about making a quality product, you only service those who are sucked into making mindless micro-purchases. I know this is another year of wasted money on a broken game where I will never receive an update, a solution, let alone a refund. 

3 Replies

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    3 months ago

    Can you get me a video of the crash that's happening?

    As far as the lag goes, is that just in the Franchise Mode menus? If so, I've seen others say that exiting out of NHL 25 and restarting your console helps. The problem appears to stem from loading into the game after your console has been in sleep mode.

  • hoosier9191's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    3 months ago

    Hi Aljo,

    I am on Series X, the game is digital and Installed on my internal hard drive.

    i only play offline modes (Franchise), but either way i am wired connection with fiber optic. 

    I constantly try to hard power cycle the Xbox, clearing MAC address / persistent storage. I ventilate my Xbox & have an additional fan to keep it cool. I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled. Plus, I can switch over directly from NHL to Call Of Duty online and there is zero lag.

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    3 months ago

    Hi there. I've seen a few reports of this. Are you on a Series S or X? Also, is the game installed on the internal hard drive or do you use an external one/expansion card? Are you using the disk version of the game or is it digital?

    As far as lag goes, that could be connection related. Are you using a wired or wireless connection?