Forum Discussion

cschramke's avatar
Seasoned Novice
27 days ago

NHL 25 account matchmaking issue SZN 3

As of the new season, I can no longer find an online game in World of Chel on my main account. After three days of trying, I've given up hope. Ever since this new season, it's like my account is shadow banned—it won't let me find an opponent. When I switch to another account I created, I can find a game within the first couple of searches, but on my main account, I could sit there for hours and still not find a game. I genuinely have no idea what is happening; I've never experienced something so odd.

I recently contacted EA Help and spoke with an employee named Berg E. He was very kind and tried to work through the issue with me. He even joined my live stream to see how strange the issue was. I showed him that I couldn't find games on my main account but could on a different one. He advised me to come here because none of the troubleshooting steps worked. Changing the connection was never the problem—it's just the account. I can switch to a backup account, and everything is fine. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the game, restarted the router, tried a different internet connection with my hotspot, and changed the DNS—literally everything. It's like there is a curse on my main account.

I need this issue to be looked at by higher-ups on NHL 25. I will attach recent game logs showing that I can find a game on my backup account but not on my main account. I don't know what else to do. My main account is SCHRAMKEEE, which is attached to this EA tag. Then the other account I have made that can get games is schramkeee2. someone pls help all of my skins and purchased items and stats are all just stranded on an account that can't even play anymore.

8 Replies

  • im having trouble myself,  since season 3 has started i havent been able to find a game on EASHL AT ALL! Ive been searching for 3 days.....The first day of thinking i was going to play the new season i searched for 5 FREAKING HOURS....and i thought that the game was just dead. and as soon as i logged in on my other account that i made, i got a game on the first search... so please EA i need help.

    EA id: Thotsmasher1000

    PSN: vyzr-_-

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    27 days ago

    Hi there. Is this only happening in WoC or are you unable to find opponents in other modes as well?

  • cschramke's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    27 days ago

    Only world of Chel ranked modes it’s so weird but if I go quick play I can get a match but ranked I could sit there for literally hours and get no game but I switch to a different account ranked games instantly. It’s like my main account can’t get proper ranked opponents if there is ranked matchmaking or something it’s very odd and frustrating.

  • cschramke's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    27 days ago

    I finished number 1 in rank last season and haven’t been able to get a single match since the start of the new season idk if it’s an mmr thing or not but it’s kinda crazy 3 days of trying to find an opponent and I can’t 

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    26 days ago

    Thotsmasher1000 Have you tried clearing the system cache with the instructions here?

    cschramke Try clearing your alternate MAC address with these steps:

    1. Go to your Xbox Settings
    2. Go to "Network", then "Advanced Network Settings"
    3. Click on "Alternate MAC Address", and then click "Clear"
  • cschramke's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    26 days ago

    This did not work I already tried. I literally just for some reason can not get games on my main account it’s outrageous no idea what the new update did but my account seems chalked now cause when I go on a different one everything is fine.

  • EA_Aljoive cleared the cache, i even bought a new ps5 PRO this time and it still doesnt work. IVE DONE EVERYTHING is my account shadow banned or no?? just be honest with me im tired of this aljo

  • EA_Aljo's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    11 days ago

    No. You're not shadow banned. This is an issue we're still investigating. I'll post an update as soon as I have one.

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