some people here don't know how to write a comment. It always looks like a wall of text. good job. noone will ever read it.
I want to cut something out. Citrons and corns weakness.
YES, for gods sake i have prestiged citron basic to master. So: you can basically kick some guys with him.
But as mentioned, yes, his EMPeach isn't accurate. It takes a bit to much to actually drop, second, it is, just a little bit, too hard to control it.
That's IMP's advantage. He can just jump, fly, kill, vanquish, and suck as well, heh.
his magnet bomb just instantly drops and holds like 8 guys in position, making them easy targets. TOO EASY targets.
Corn is strong. He is god damn strong. His abilities make enemies fly. He ONLY deals damage. He doesn't need neither a buff or a nerf.
He is literally perfect. All of his variants (except the garbage PARTY ONES! -.-)
You only need your abilities x2 to actually completely kill a gargantuar. pff.
And yeah, except MAYBE the toxic rose the rest became garbage.
Meanwhile I have to aim by myself with rose, I can't even lock on.
Sry, it does simply not work after 2 inches, she got nerfed the last bit out.
And WHEN I lock on, the whole hard earned and charged fire shot just flies past the enemy with aniticipation, you know.
One Edit:
How do you like this idea, corns butter barrage.
What if the potato he throws is like a lock on for bot and ai zombies, trying to eat it. While they are eating it, the barrage comes falling down. Like the Chili bomb!!
How do you like this idea? Would you be looking forward to this?