@Rhendyr I'll take this piece by piece, since you think you have the supreme opinion over here, and make it so that everyone elses opinions are invalid.
Your amount of play doesn't matter. You stated an opinion that wasn't true. Stating it is an uninformed opinion was a nice way of saying your opinion is wrong. A stock Scientist and stock Sunflower both do 40 DPS. Sure, the flower will miss, and the Scientist may miss also. If a Sunflower misses, he misses out on 9 dmg, if the Scientist misses, he misses out on 30 dmg.
First of all, how the HELL can an opinion be untrue? It's my opinion. Never once did I state that it was fact, nor did I claim it to be the almighty opinion. I'm not pulling an opinion out of my *; I am stating experiences I have seen in a game that is currently favored to one side more than the other. I made valid points about the scientist as a class, and compared it to his counterpart on the plant side. It all goes back to my main point of my original comment in this thread: "Zombie side is too SAFE."
Amount of play doesn't matter? Quite contrary. My 90+ hours on GW1, and my 150+ hours on GW2 (plus whatever amount of time I played beta) say otherwise. Not only am I skilled with the old character classes and know their play style, I am also more exposed to various variants as well as new characters that other people aren't quite as adept at playing yet/don't know how to counter play. So I've debunked your own "uninformed opinion." On top of that, the DPS is not 40/character. They are not equal by any sense of the imagination. MAX DPS for a Scientist at close range is 99.5. MAX DPS for a Sunflower is 62.2 at close range. These values are 30 HP difference. Either way, there is a lot more value in playing a character optimized to delete characters quickly rather than whittling away at their health.
Plants have a LOT more CC than just Rose. Other than her Time Snare and Goatify, there's, Goop, Spikeweed, Spin Dash, EM Peach to name a few. Zombies have what? Turbo Twister, Sonic Grenade and Gravity Grenade. That's at least 2:1 CC. Just the Plants players seem to not use theirs as effectively. That's not taking team play into account, that's just saying the individual people who play plants for some reason tend to not use their CC as often or as effectively.
While I agree that plants have CC at their disposal, I completely disagree that people are not using it effectively. You are now taking using the "unskilled" argument to blame players for their losses regardless of the balance in the game. I'm also considering that Time Snare & Goatify just got a nerf at the beginning of this patch, and are not nearly as useful as they were previously. On top of that, Spikeweed is a single target ability, and Goop requires serious precision and nearly always requires some form of follow-up to be useful, altogether on a class that is kind of lackluster with the current "meta" of PvZGW2.
Zombies make up for their lack of Hard CC with other forms of CC. Imp has Gravity Grenade, and in mech form he usually has some form of knockup/knockback/slight stun. Super Brainz has 2 forms of CC - a knockback with his Heroic Kick and a heavy slow with his Turbo Twister. Foot Soldiers have a blind/vision impairment with their stink cloud. Engineers still have their stun with the sonic grenade. And All-Star has a knockback as well. Now that I took the time to actually look at all the CC, I'm seeing about a similar amount for each side. Another "uninformed opinion" debunked.
But, touching on teams, the Plants do have more abilities that seem to lean towards defense, so it would benefit them more to stick together. I know the majority of the times that I win on Plants (to be fair, I tend to be on the winning side regardless of which side it is) I tend to stick with other plants as the Sunflower, Chomper and Pea and tend to do really well in that regard. *shrugs*. Part of being good is being aware of your team composition, the enemy team comp. and knowing what is needed to be done or used to win. Ignoring those factors and just saying "We should be able to win by playing however the hell we want!" is, well, silly and is setting whatever side you are on up for failure. =/
This is where your argument completely derails itself. Plants do lean towards defense, yes, but with all the CC listed above, it is to their imminent demise that they group up and get gravity grenaded > imp punt > ultra tackled, or worse off, gravity grenaded > killed by Electro Brainz because the imbalance in his ranged attack is unreal. But what you are arguing at this point is that "We should be able to win by playing however the hell we want!" is exactly what the zombies are currently doing. They are winning in full-team pushes. They're also winning in solo kills or skirmishes. Scientists are running in and killing people 1v3 with shotgun-like spray (and I've done it before as well). Super Brainz are throwing their bodies at people and getting kills just by being a massive tank and wiping out teams with Turbo Twister. And god forbid you group up and an Imp catches 3-4 of your teammates in a gravity grenade, because at that point you should say goodbye to whatever objective you were trying to protect.
My point is, I think it's sad that this game forces you to favor one side in order to win some games. I literally just completed my Epic Suburbanation quest, and it required me to basically play on Zombie side every time (not to mention, not once did it switch me to plant side). And the only times I have seen plants actually win in a turf takeover is when they outnumber the zombie team 2:1.