3 months agoSeasoned Scout
2025 Quality of Life(QOL) wish list!!!! Part 1
I wanna make a wish list of Quality of Life that I'd like to see in the future of 2025. Hope this can turn into maybe a Poll that CG can do every year to communicate with players and see what they want taken care of throughout the year. I'd love to hear other players comments on their own ideas of QOL needs and wants for the game.
- Claim all Button on all Reward Trails from the new Episode track, Galactic Conquest, and Raids. Saving clicking time will help save players time and focus more on what they want to work on in game!
- Always, Always would like a see a sandbox mode. This has been requested and needed for a long time. To costly to track. However if its to much, modify Squad Arena to this. I know CG can also allow (weekly) to have TW and GAC Omicrons active in squad arena. Maybe 1 week no Omicrons active, next week GAC Omicrons active and then 3rd week Territory War Omicrons active. This way players can test these Omicrons more freely. Also reducing the Crystal cost would be very helpful as well. Maybe to 15 per refresh. Then allow players to do up to 500+ battles. So many players will love having this added. Maybe a side thing is allow players to have 3 to 5 different teams they can place on defense and you select the player and It'll have a pop up showing the teams so you can test different teams out.
- Mod Shipment update. Other then adding like 3 to 6 or so more slots, allow at the top a tab to swap between Credits and Ship credits. I have loads of Regular credits but hurt on Ship credits. While I have a friend that has the opposite. Its also annoying to see a mod I wanna try and get and can't since I don't have the ship credits. I'm sure many other players have this problem. The costs can stay the same (or be nice and lower some by like 5% or so. Yet allowing the credit type to be swapped would be very helpful for those players rocking way more of 1 type of credit than other and not able to get the mods they want with the credit type limitation. In addition maybe add some of the Mod leveling up gear into this store as well from other shipments and keeping their currency costs the same. Also with adding different slots for Mods I wouldn't mind seeing 6 slots be only gold tier and the rest being mixed between all the tiers.
- Improving limited currency caps. I really don't like that there are caps on the currencies. Yet it is what it is. At least allow some to be doubled so if players get busy with life they aren't losing that said currency. Or lock us out from claiming the currency until we have enough space for it. Like the mods do when they hit their mod storage limit. Also, maybe adding some more options in each store to allow us to be able to use some of them. Like all the MK1 like currencies maybe adding some white, green and blue gear so we can exchange and keep up on our relic Salvage. Especially for the players always trying to farm gear for the Carbonite Circuit Boards.
- Datacron QOL. I still am not a big fan of them, yet I can see some improvements. Like maybe allowing some other currencies or other farming locations for the Datacron Material. Tired of having my limited time going only for the Datacrons and not able to go for the Red Crate in Conquest. In addition Please allow us to move between DC's while looking at the individual DC. Tired of backing out and going back into them. So much time. A easy arrow left and right would be much appreciated. Maybe also balance out more of the stats and Datacron abilities.