Forum Discussion

ludwigsangina's avatar
8 years ago

A dolphins complaint about gear

stun cuffs and stun guns need to be moved into challenges. Just Too annoying to farm.
  • I'm just wanting to check.... everyone on here keeps saying they are annoying to farm, they don't farm them and then they just buy them with crystals. You're basically saying because it is an annoying farm, you are spending money (sure you could just be using crystals from arena but crystals = money). I'm not sure that's the best argument to use for EA/CG to provide easier ways to get gear.

    I do agree we need easier ways to farm them though.
  • "leef;981792" wrote:
    challenges isn't the sollution, i'm always short on mk3 carbanti's.

    Imagine how short you would be if they weren't in challenges...
  • I'd love to see more rewards for ships. Maybe these two issues have a mutual solution:

    Have a bag/chest of gear pieces as a daily reward from ships, with the more desired purple pieces as the rewards. Higher rank, more gear.
  • When I first reached end game I learned a valuable lesson: never spend Crystals on gear you can farm. When I realized there's no particular urgency it bolstered my Crystal balance.

    e.g., Cuffs... between node farming to fulfill my guild's 600/600 obligation and keeping enough currency on hand in the Fleet store when they showed up there, I was able to farm a full set in a little over a week.

    *edit: as I recall, 10 of those were from Raid Rewards but still puts the timeline at around two weeks.
  • "Geonosian_Spy;987870" wrote:
    When I first reached end game I learned a valuable lesson: never spend Crystals on gear you can farm. When I realized there's no particular urgency it bolstered my Crystal balance.

    e.g., Cuffs... between node farming to fulfill my guild's 600/600 obligation and keeping enough currency on hand in the Fleet store when they showed up there, I was able to farm a full set in a little over a week.

    *edit: as I recall, 10 of those were from Raid Rewards but still puts the timeline at around two weeks.

    I can't agree with you here. Farming a full set of cuffs in 1.5 weeks means that for a character like Gen. Kenobi it will take you 6 weeks to full time farm the 200 cuffs he needs. Add in the 150 stun guns, thats another 4.5 weeks, taking it up to just over 2 and a half months to gear him up. The plus side in that is that you can probably get the 450 carbanti from challenges in that time for him. I'll acknowledge that GK is a hard toon to gear, but that seems to be the trend for new characters.

    I dunno about you, but I'm hoping that I can add more than 5 characters per year to my usable roster.

    TL:DR Unless you buy cuffs/guns with crystals, you can only max gear 1 character every 2 months.