Forum Discussion

AbC4932a1766700's avatar
New Novice
3 years ago

Allow Hoth and Geo TB.

So one thing that would be great is if CG would just allow guilds to run both both and geo territory battles instead of having to pick one of them.

Some guilds don’t run hoth anymore at all. For people that still rolo shards for jedi luke journey it is really quite a pain.

Why do we have to pick?
  • "chpMINIsolo_77;c-2350072" wrote:
    "Decicrim;c-2350069" wrote:

    Correct assumption like 85% of player base I’m not an officer.

    But again I don’t understand why you care if HOth runs at same time. If you don’t want to put in the effort to officer both then just don’t! Your guild can just continue to do only geoTB and get the same rewards with same effort you do today!
    If your guild wants to put in effort for hoth also then yes little extra effort, and you are rewarded for it :/

    Just because something is there doesn’t require you to have fomo to do it all.

    I'm not suprised that you're not one, if you were an officer invloved in running TB, you'd see it takes more than "a little effort" ;)

    Your 100% correct I have no idea what it entails from officer point of view. I’ve only been playing 1 year and don’t know all the guild mechanics at all.

    I assumed for TB it could be as simple as select TB to run.
    Other than that I assumed that if you really wanted to set instructions for each section, and coordinate making sure everyone deploys where you want to deploy.
    So yes if you really were chasing and organizing I can see where it would be a lot of work.

    - But I also expected that you could just simply start TB and not put effort in for setting instructions, etc…

    - I also assume that guilds that are running Geo TB are larger guilds. And if they ran hoth like someone said it pretty much “auto” you wouldn’t need to set instructions or chase guild members.

    Could you not just simple start a TB?
    Officer spends normal effort with their Geo TB.
    If you ran hoth could you start and then not put in extra setup effort?

    What exactly do officers have to do during a TB? It would be great to know.

    I ask these with sincerity, because I don’t know. But at same time ask why you couldn’t just start.
  • "DarjeloSalas;c-2350095" wrote:
    I checked the GP requirements. My guild wouldn’t need to do any combats at all until phase 6 on DS HothTB and even then we’d only need 10 missions at 4/4 and then full deployment for max stars. So there’s very little in the way of organising required for a guild the size of ours.

    For me, it’s not really the extra work or the additional organising as an officer that’s the problem. It’s that this will absolutely never happen.

    I feel like you’re trying to convince us to wear a watch that makes us age slower. It doesn’t matter if I’d wear one or not because it will never exist.

    Thank you so much for confirming. So it can be run without officer engagement.
    And it also still wouldn’t require you to do hoth at all if you didn’t even want to as a guild.

    I think what perplexes me the most is why people would be against having additional event game play.
    Why would people be against having more events running? More rewards? Etc..
    It like people want to advance but not actually spend time playing the game.

    Yes I completely agree that there is really zero chance of CG allowing this and implementing.

    No wonder CG can get away with not implementing things, with people in community saying no I don’t want more stuff that gives rewards?!? Maybe if everyone actually saw benefit, it would gain traction. But once again community divided :(
  • Scruminator's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    The only players it would benefit are the ones who’ve been playing the longest and already have deep rosters. As @DarjeloSalas mentioned, it’s not like Hoth TB would require much officer oversight once your guild GP crosses a certain threshold.

    While getting additional rewards would certainly benefit me, I don’t see them as necessary or beneficial to the game as a whole.
  • "Decicrim;c-2350109" wrote:
    "DarjeloSalas;c-2350095" wrote:
    I checked the GP requirements. My guild wouldn’t need to do any combats at all until phase 6 on DS HothTB and even then we’d only need 10 missions at 4/4 and then full deployment for max stars. So there’s very little in the way of organising required for a guild the size of ours.

    For me, it’s not really the extra work or the additional organising as an officer that’s the problem. It’s that this will absolutely never happen.

    I feel like you’re trying to convince us to wear a watch that makes us age slower. It doesn’t matter if I’d wear one or not because it will never exist.

    Thank you so much for confirming. So it can be run without officer engagement.

    I believe you forgot the "... for a guild the size of ours." part.

    "Decicrim;c-2350109" wrote:

    And it also still wouldn’t require you to do hoth at all if you didn’t even want to as a guild.

    .... and pass on farming resources that my competitors in GAC farm?

    "Decicrim;c-2350109" wrote:

    I think what perplexes me the most is why people would be against having additional event game play.
    Why would people be against having more events running? More rewards? Etc..
    It like people want to advance but not actually spend time playing the game.

    Additional game play that makes sense is welcome. Hoth TBs on top of Geonosis TBs doesn't make sense.
  • "Waqui;c-2350143" wrote:
    "Decicrim;c-2350109" wrote:
    "DarjeloSalas;c-2350095" wrote:
    I checked the GP requirements. My guild wouldn’t need to do any combats at all until phase 6 on DS HothTB and even then we’d only need 10 missions at 4/4 and then full deployment for max stars. So there’s very little in the way of organising required for a guild the size of ours.

    For me, it’s not really the extra work or the additional organising as an officer that’s the problem. It’s that this will absolutely never happen.

    I feel like you’re trying to convince us to wear a watch that makes us age slower. It doesn’t matter if I’d wear one or not because it will never exist.

    Thank you so much for confirming. So it can be run without officer engagement.

    I believe you forgot the "... for a guild the size of ours." part.

    "Decicrim;c-2350109" wrote:

    And it also still wouldn’t require you to do hoth at all if you didn’t even want to as a guild.

    .... and pass on farming resources that my competitors in GAC farm?

    "Decicrim;c-2350109" wrote:

    I think what perplexes me the most is why people would be against having additional event game play.
    Why would people be against having more events running? More rewards? Etc..
    It like people want to advance but not actually spend time playing the game.

    Additional game play that makes sense is welcome. Hoth TBs on top of Geonosis TBs doesn't make sense.

    Everything about that post is incorrect or just proves my point further :/

    1. No regardless of size, he still confirmed that you can do a TB without major officer effort, your choice if you put in more effort to get a better score.
    2. Oh you miss out on rewards others going against you in gac. Ummmm well yes if someone did want to do something that gave rewards i you made a defiant choice not to even if available. That’s your choice.
    3. Ok it would be nice for more content, but for those who like to play and get rewards, anything that gives rewards I’ll take.

    What I really get is “I don’t want to put in effort to play old content I already have bonus shards from, even if it has rewards”, little self centered, but ok I get the view point.

    I’ll throw out another option
    If it had the option to SIM it if guild had max starred x times, much like the old raids, that way you get rewards that includes toon shards and guild members that still need toon shards get them and you don’t fall behind because you don’t want to play old content

  • "chpMINIsolo_77;c-2350239" wrote:
    I'd love to see you run a geo TB and get the maximum number of stars you could for your guild.
    You really have no clue what's involved.
    Hoth, yes, we could do that in our sleep

    Jeez I sense a little hostility.

    I never doubted the amount of effort GEO TB takes to be an officer for. And that was never in question. Geo TB is still tough enough and yes I could fully understand how hard and frustrating it must be to corral everyone to get platoons filled before battles deploy in correct sectors, even though I don’t know every detail. however the topic was what effort do you need to put in for hoth not for Geo.

    again your response still only validated my point “hoth yes we could do in our sleep” so why would it be sooo much extra effort?!?

    Or why if your guild had already max starred hoth would you say no to being able to Do your GEO tb with effort but also being able to SIM hoth?
  • "Decicrim;c-2350231" wrote:
    "Waqui;c-2350143" wrote:
    "Decicrim;c-2350109" wrote:
    "DarjeloSalas;c-2350095" wrote:
    I checked the GP requirements. My guild wouldn’t need to do any combats at all until phase 6 on DS HothTB and even then we’d only need 10 missions at 4/4 and then full deployment for max stars. So there’s very little in the way of organising required for a guild the size of ours.

    For me, it’s not really the extra work or the additional organising as an officer that’s the problem. It’s that this will absolutely never happen.

    I feel like you’re trying to convince us to wear a watch that makes us age slower. It doesn’t matter if I’d wear one or not because it will never exist.

    Thank you so much for confirming. So it can be run without officer engagement.

    I believe you forgot the "... for a guild the size of ours." part.

    "Decicrim;c-2350109" wrote:

    And it also still wouldn’t require you to do hoth at all if you didn’t even want to as a guild.

    .... and pass on farming resources that my competitors in GAC farm?

    "Decicrim;c-2350109" wrote:

    I think what perplexes me the most is why people would be against having additional event game play.
    Why would people be against having more events running? More rewards? Etc..
    It like people want to advance but not actually spend time playing the game.

    Additional game play that makes sense is welcome. Hoth TBs on top of Geonosis TBs doesn't make sense.

    Everything about that post is incorrect or just proves my point further :/

    1. No regardless of size, he still confirmed that you can do a TB without major officer effort, your choice if you put in more effort to get a better score.
    2. Oh you miss out on rewards others going against you in gac. Ummmm well yes if someone did want to do something that gave rewards i you made a defiant choice not to even if available. That’s your choice.
    3. Ok it would be nice for more content, but for those who like to play and get rewards, anything that gives rewards I’ll take.

    1. You're wrong. I'm right.
    2. But not a choice without consequences if you want to compete in GAC - so, not really a choice.
    3. I disagree.

  • I give up, since “a choice is not really a choice” I’m not going in circles with that again.

    nobody wants to explain what you “can do” vs “have to do” as an officer.
    From what I’ve heard so far, you “could” run a TB without officer involvement.

    I don’t ever expect this to be implemented at all, but I still like to understand other pov, which takes explanation and questioning.

    I hope you all a a wonderful weekend!