Forum Discussion

Star-Lord1718's avatar
8 years ago

Asajj Ventress is a SITH!!!

Around the 8-10 minute mark in the Clone Wars TV series, Season 5 Episode 19 titled "To Catch a Jedi", Ashoka tells Ventress herself the following: "You're a Separatist war criminal and a Sith." I reiterate "AND A SITH!" The Asajj we have is said to be the "Nightsister/Separatist" only version, meaning no Bounty Hunter and no Sith tag. But she was never a Separatist when she wasn't a Sith, then. She was a Separatist the same time she was a Sith and a Nightsister (by birth). Then she was a Nightsister (by baptism) and a BH later on. We can't have a version of her that never existed!