8 years ago
Bring Balance to the Force
I just wanted to ask why it seems there is never a focus on trying to provide better balance in this game? It's, quite literally, laughable at this point, that there are almost 100 characters, and maybe 3 or 4 viable Arena squads. This "Meta" nonsense needs to change. I'm looking at my Arena and 46 out of the top 50 squads are practically identical. Instead of releasing a "new" more powerful meta every 6 months, why not try to work on a bit of a balance in the game overall. This notion of, "Oh, he's a bit OP......Well let's make another squad even more OP to offset it" needs to stop. It's getting worse over time. I enjoy the game, but it's high time this consolidation of power into 1 or 2 "god mode" squads ends. What's the point of having diverse rosters, if only 3 or 4 squads actually matter. I'm hopeful the new game mode helps this a bit, but a concerted effort on balancing the game a bit would be welcomed.