Forum Discussion

Voygliz's avatar
Rising Novice
9 days ago

Changes to Dagger or to rng

If you're gonna make everything rng dependant in fleet battles with Dagger, then at least make a fair rng.

6 straight battles enemy leviathan started 1st when same speed. So 6 straight loses. And this in arena. Imagine when it's GAC and all the gameplay will rest in getting that (irreal) 50% rng to start 1st. It's not funny. You're ruining game.

  • raaarman's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Try 17 in a row with enemy starting first = 17 losses.

    I should not have to change my fleet just to beat an identical fleet - only to have to change it again after my payout so that I dont get pushed back down to 25+ and have to rinse repeat the following day with another 2-3 or more refreshes to climb a few spots.   RNG I get, but this is not RNG.. its hey - lets force everyone to use crystals on refreshes to climb all whist making waste another few hours on a mobile game that is supposed to be fun to pick up for 5-10mins once every few hours.

    If no changes by end of conquest.. I shall also be leaving.  This is a total joke and something that may (or may not!) have been amusing on April 1st for an hour or two.


  • KSUDJP's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Started second 10 times lost 9. One person still had assassins ship in. Ridiculous. Honestly makes me want to quit the game