You're not seeing it right. This game is a product. An enjoyable product, but it's a product. CG is the curator of this product. They take the time to polish it, make it look nice, and make sure it doesn't break. EA is the vendor of this product. They make sure it's making the most money for they company as is possible.
EA wants money from this event. And a quick glance at the forums every now and then reveals what sorts of things will get otherwise stingy customers to open their wallets: panic farms. And despite my, and others', attempts to explain this to everyone, people still buy into the idea of needing these legendary characters. As long as that continues to happen, we'll get more and more legendary characters with less and less lead time. That's how CG can get EA to allow more fun features and characters to come along. Territory Battles is a massive undertaking, one EA would be well advised to prevent them from making (too many resources on a free event, potentially rewarding players with upgrades they don't have to pay for). But CG used the panic farm device with Captain Solo to get EA on board.
Unfortunately, the panic farm will persist on legendary characters for their first few cycles. A bit of foresight and planning helps get around this, but if you waited for notice you're in the same boat you were in the first time the event came out.