9 years ago
Complaint of the day - new purple gear drop rate
I've been farming the MK 9 binoculars for a couple weeks now trying to get boba to G11. Im at 66 now.
I can safely say at this point the drop rate is significantly lower than it is for cuffs/guns. I haven't tracked anything, but trust me, it's WAY lower. Most days I will have a period of ten/twelve sims with nothing, and then get 1 or two from my next 6 or so sims. Overall, it's probly been about 15%, perhaps slightly lower.
Why? All the ways you already get to us, and the rate of farming cuffs and guns is already low enough, come on, and you feel the need to do that to us with the new gear.. It's so cheap, honestly. Im obviously not buying them in shipments because you nerfed the drop rate. All purple gear should be dropping at the same rate.
I can safely say at this point the drop rate is significantly lower than it is for cuffs/guns. I haven't tracked anything, but trust me, it's WAY lower. Most days I will have a period of ten/twelve sims with nothing, and then get 1 or two from my next 6 or so sims. Overall, it's probly been about 15%, perhaps slightly lower.
Why? All the ways you already get to us, and the rate of farming cuffs and guns is already low enough, come on, and you feel the need to do that to us with the new gear.. It's so cheap, honestly. Im obviously not buying them in shipments because you nerfed the drop rate. All purple gear should be dropping at the same rate.