Forum Discussion

Darth_DeVito's avatar
5 years ago

"Courage can't be copied, dispelled..."

Yet Darth Revan's merry bunch dispel it. Please fix that ASAP. I invested quite a bit of money in a team that doesn't work as advertised.
  • They dont wipe it, dispell it, make it go away, or any other way to say it. Can you prove to us it isnt wai?

    I tested it in arena btw, Malak and HK are the only ones with a dispell and neither of their dispells remove courage.
  • 90% of my arena battles are padme vs DR and I've never once had courage dispelled
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Malak takes reduced damage from courage so you can use up all your stacks of courage when attacking Malak and do almost negligible damage. Its not a dispel in this case.

    When GAS goes into cover, any extra courage (stacks of 5) are used up... in other words, overkilled. Its WAI, and courage is not being dispelled here either

    I'm guessing this is what you mean when you have tons of stacks of courage and its not one-shotting Malak / GAS
  • "littleMAC77;c-2048689" wrote:
    Except they dont dispell it

    So how do they wipe it instead? Explain to me how this is supposedly WAI.
  • 20 stacks on Padme when Malak is taunting might as well be dispelled lol (unless he's last man standing, ofc)