FYI- this is the EA response I received in relation to the bug report. Doesn't make any sense to me, but maybe someone else here can understand? Not sure how only the portions of the unique which affect Bane, persist after Bane is defeated. Why even have that "persist" sentence in there? If the idea is to replace WAT with Bane, wouldn't those effects (like immune to AB block, CD increase, healing immunity, stun) need to persist for the ally (i.e., intended ally SEE?)
EA Response:
This is working as designed. Only the outlined part of his unique ability persists after Darth Bane is defeated.
When Bane or other ally is defeated: The remaining ally gains 5% Critical Damage, Offense and Potency plus an additional 15% of these stats per the defeated character's Relic Amplifier level until the end of battle
At the start of battle if there is only one other non-Summon ally present and they are Sith:
- Bane gains 75% Mastery, Max Health, and Max Protection
- Whenever an enemy is defeated, Bane gains 10% Max Health, Max Protection, and Offense (stacking) until the end of battle
- At the start of battle, Bane takes a bonus turn
These effects persist if Bane is defeated.