"DarthPyro13;928118" wrote:
LS/DS, cantina and the Jedi event are all one encounter with many stages in it. GW is 12 encounters with one stage each. His annihilate ability starts on cooldown for every encounter. It's working as intended.
This. If anything GW is harder because cooldowns stay where they are when you finish the encounter, whereas if it was 12 straight encounters your cooldowns would reset back to what they would start at. Eventually they also let us keep TM from previous encounters because that was making it a little too difficult for some teams, so GW really isn't supposed to be "oh here use all your skills right away" you have to think ahead. I see no problem with this. There are plenty of GW battles where some people have all of their abilities on cooldown as well, and you can only use their basic attacks, don't see the problem with Nihilus being just like that if you weren't planning ahead enough to not use Drain Force right before you finished the node...