Forum Discussion

andrewfinance's avatar
4 years ago

Facebook account link restored? It's apparently back in the game and working....

But no official confirmation by CG? Should I be surprised?
  • Just saw it on mine now i need to know how to connect my fb account properly do i go on this is my old device and click facebook or do i connect and get 200+ crystals? Its a bit confusing for me because i want to save this account as i whale quite a bit and say like if i move from Ios to Android then at least i have my same account rather than making a new one all i want to know is how to connect and all that
  • "botabu;c-2173251" wrote:
    I just want to be able to play on both android and ios devices.

    Me too with the same account rather than making a new one thats why i want to know if i should connect using old link device or connect getting 200 crystals