Forum Discussion
Some good Ideas, let me help with some.
Royal Naboo: Queen Amidala, Master Qui-Gon, Padawan Obi-Wan, Sabe, Captain Panaka, Naboo Guard, Ric Olie (can pilot a Naboo Starfighter), Captain Sykes, (pilots the N-1 Naboo Bomber), Naboo Pilot (Piloting the Naboo Police Craft), and finally Rhys Dallows, (Piloting a Naboo Starfighter). Giving 2 teams, Queen team and Panaka team. Plus the Pilots can pilot ships under the command of Admiral Yularen and paired with GAS piloting the Twilight.
Delta Squad: Boss, Fixer, Sev, Scorch! These can all pair well as a 5th with Gregor.
Podracers: Watto, Sebulba, Young Anakin, Aldar Beedo(also a BH and Merc), Dud Bolt(also a Merc), Clegg Holdfast, Wan Sandage. Nice thing is you can use all but Watto to get Watto as a Legendary character. Also a sub faction is they can be Hutt Cartel so they can synergize with the loose Hutt Cartel members.
Zahn Consortium: Tyber Zahn, Urai Fen, Silri, Jared Sykes, Consortium Defiler, Mercenary Assault Squads, Consortium Grenadiers, Droideka MK2, and Nightsister Riding Rancor. Bossk, IG-88, and Mob Enforcer gain the Consortium Tag as well.
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