Forum Discussion

MasterSeedy's avatar
Rising Ace
8 years ago

Farmboy Luke vs. Commander Luke

The icons look too similar.

Please make it easier to tell at a glance whether an Arena or GW opponent is running one Luke or the other. We're already not running photo-realism here: darkening the clothes of CLS or making the Farmboy clothes brighter white would help, but not necessarily even enough. Combine that with different tilts to the head and you'd probably have it.

I'm not the only person whose eyesight isn't great who plays this game. I can get along without my glasses in lots of situations, which only means that I'm more likely to set them aside and then not have them handy than if I completely depended on them. Others have eyesight so bad that glasses make text readable, but their vision still isn't 20/20. You could help a lot of people with some small changes.
