Forum Discussion

Crispy508's avatar
Seasoned Rookie
4 years ago

Feat- He's Holding a Thermal Detonator

So I think this feat was not thought out well. Pretty much impossible to get (in the early tiers) because their team doesn't last long enough for me to try applying 40 thermals, even when i am trying to not kill them. On other GCs I don't think that there were feats that I couldn't complete because my team was too powerful. Its really just academic anyway because the rewards for the feat are garbage, but I thought it was strange
  • Whatelse73's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    If your jawas are relic'd up, just put scavenger in by himself and take his mods off.

    Zam's lead puts thermal dets on the enemy when BH use their specials, so that's an option too.
  • braskme's avatar
    New Spectator
    T5-7 I used Zam lead (g11 no zeta), g11 greef, g12 Dengar, g12 mando (unique zeta), and R7 malak. Fear really shuts down the other team once malak is taunting so you have enough time to apply enough thermal dets. When it's time to win, Malak was the only one left standing and soloed the remaining scoundrels. Note that Kuill and 88 are a threat to him with Shock and Heal Immunity.
  • "kalidor;c-2194701" wrote:
    When it's time to win, Malak was the only one left standing and soloed the remaining scoundrels.

    Pray tell please, how did you know it was time to win? Were you counting TD attempts?
  • "Hueyitlatoani;c-2197023" wrote:
    Who to use on todays feats? Cant seem to find a squad to finish feats.

    Are you talking about Stunning Victory? Yeah, I'm at a loss for that one. I think you need a non-nounty hunter squad with stuns on basic. Aurra and R2-D2 are the first that come to mind.
  • braskme's avatar
    New Spectator
    Stunning Victory isn't too bad if you have good nightsisters. A relic daka will keep reviving everyone and you can stun away. Plague helps to prevent ig11 from dispelling those stuns so you can control the match a bit. zztalzin lead (g12), zzAsajj (r5), zDaka (r6), spirit (g12), zombie (g12). For T3 I had to drop spirit, and T2 was Daka lead, asajj, zombie. Couldn't so T1 because they died too fast, don't have a solution for that yet (but don't really care).
  • "Legend91;c-2194135" wrote:
    Rewards wise tier 7 is the only "interesting" one anyway and even there 3x Mk5 detonators? So awesome...
    But it can be done (tier 7) by trying to stall it out a bit (not doing a second disintegrate f.e.) while applying some thermals with Dengar and Zam.

    I was able to do complete tier V using a lvl 53 Zam Lead, 53 Dengar, 85 Bossk, 85 Greef and 85 Mando, my Zam lead has abilities at lvl 6 and Dengar at lvl 6 and the other chars are maxed out except for the Zeta's.

    Zam, Dengar only being 6 stars and Bossk only 5 stars, with the rest being 7 stars.

    The way I did it was used Zam and Dengar's thermals and just healed with Bossk and Greef, I also just used the basic shot on Mando and the others. My suggestion is to take out the IG-88 and that Ugnut from the start, then work on Young Lando next. I was able to complete the mission even though the enemy squad was LVL 80 without losing a character.
  • Unfortunately it gets a lot harder as your account levels up and you start getting into relic-territory.

    But it’s still very much possible using basically the same strategy. I started with Bossk (r5), Boba (r6), IG-88 (r4), Dengar (r5), and Greedo (g12) thinking the fight would last a long time and I’d get the bombs with a couple Dengar and Greedo specials, but the mobs are surprisingly squishy! Anyway, that got me the Full Bounty Hunter feat.

    So then I tried again, dropping 88 (too much damage too fast), moving Bossk to a normal character, and using Zam (g11) as my leader. That got it done surprisingly quick—Zam’s basic refreshed her specials real fast.

    For DoTs I used Palpatine lead (g11) and Vader (r7–GUESS WHAT SHIP I’M WORKING TOWARDS!) the rest of the team didn’t even matter. Vader at that level hits like a truck and Merciless Massacre lives up to its name!
  • "Legend91;c-2194135" wrote:
    Rewards wise tier 7 is the only "interesting" one anyway and even there 3x Mk5 detonators? So awesome...
    But it can be done (tier 7) by trying to stall it out a bit (not doing a second disintegrate f.e.) while applying some thermals with Dengar and Zam.

    Sorry if this is a dumb question.

    I’ve only been getting the crate as a reward at payout time when competing all the feats for Galactic Challenges. I don’t get an individual reward for completing a feat - just the red crate. I thought this was normal.

    So what’s that 2nd picture that shows “Feat Rewards” for completing a feat? I finished the detonator one on highest level, earned the red crate, but haven't seen a screen giving me loot for completing the detonator feat (or any feat, for that matter). Am I missing something?
  • "Legend91;c-2300071" wrote:
    "TheDude420;c-2300060" wrote:
    "Legend91;c-2194135" wrote:
    Rewards wise tier 7 is the only "interesting" one anyway and even there 3x Mk5 detonators? So awesome...
    But it can be done (tier 7) by trying to stall it out a bit (not doing a second disintegrate f.e.) while applying some thermals with Dengar and Zam.

    Am I missing something?

    Yes, that this thread is soon going to be 1 year old and things were different back then.

    Aw dang, I got necro’d lol. Duh.

    Thanks for clarifying.