Forum Discussion
7 Replies
- sanderious7 months agoRising Newcomer
Yes please!
- DaarthBrewer7 months agoSeasoned Ace
The 'crons UI is less than stellar. It would be nice to be able to click to the next or previous one, like you are able to in character screens.
- PeachySWGOH7 months agoSeasoned Rookie
Liked. Definitely useful.
- lvgldz4jw2ty7 months agoSeasoned Traveler
YESSIR. i just wanted to add one more thing to this: add a way to view all total stats of the datacron from the datacron home page in collections.
- Calciron7 months agoSeasoned Novice
You did read the latest Road Ahead in July 2024 right? And saw all those QOL improvements that were a part of it?
Oh sorry, you probably missed those....
New character... new artwork... new characters... BORING!! - ZanirG7 months agoSeasoned Novice
+1 for OP's suggestion
My own 2c:
Why can't I add dcrons to squad templates? This should have been a feature added to the game alongside dcrons.
Why is the dcron UI still a trashfire when we're 16 sets deep? Many of the most engaged players (those who frequent the forums and discord servers, the players who actually engage with dcrons!) have been bringing up the issue with the awful UI for as long as dcrons have been in the game.
Why is the collapsed view of a dcron still only available when viewing opponent's dcrons or when selecting my own dcron in the squad building screen?
- ZanirG7 months agoSeasoned Novice
It's silly that this view of a dcron is still only available in the pre-battle UI and not the dedicated dcron building UI. This is like if the mod UI only showed separate rolls on each stat instead of the total value of all rolls.
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