You're kinda missing the point of my post.
I understand everything you're telling me - none of that's new. What I'm saying is that there are rewards other than salvage, token, and credits. The game is supposed to be **fun**. We have lots of ways of competing, of enjoying sticking the dagger in someone else. We can sneak in a Rank 1 arena win, and HAAT is obviously super-competitive.
I'm saying that the other rewards - the rewards that come from cooperating with your friends and not competing against them - are also important to me. What I'm saying is that the current reward structure allows me to skip participating and no one in my guild cares. For several of them it's just an easier cruise to the top 10 (even with effort I'd never be top3). For the rest of them, they're not trying either.
I play this game not to swim in my gear salvage vault like Scrooge McDuck. I play to have fun, and for me cooperative elements of the game are much more fun than the competitive elements. I recognize that that's me - I'm not trying to speak for everyone. But this game is big enough, with enough different play modes that we could have more cooperative elements.
Imagine if everyone in the raid got the same rewards, but the rewards got better the quicker you killed it. Imagine another raid where - like HAAT - soloing a phase is possible but very very difficult for most players. Instead of creating competition one guild mate against the other, imagine all guild members get the same reward, but the each player gets only one attempt per phase and rewards vary with total guild damage? Those are the kinds of things that unifies guilds, gets people communicating with each other and, yes, rooting for each other. I can solo p3/4 of HAAT, but I have to do it on manual. I can solo p1 in several attempts easily with ClS, but even with a perfect run I usually can't get more than 40% on one attempt with CLS. With some jiggling of mods and a couple attempts, I could probably solo all of p2. So I can do an entire HAAT by myself - and I don't have Threepio, Revan or a 7* Chewie yet - but nothing motivates me to actually do it.
You say
there's no incentive to continue building raid teams after it's on farm. But under the current system, you have to keep improving to keep or to get the top rewards.
But there's no reason that the current system needs to be the system.
The raids are there, the development work has been done. I'm not going to ask them to change HSTR or HAAT or anything. But I believe that currently competition is encouraged more than cooperation. I'm not anti-competition, I just feel we have a lot already. So I'm arguing for more cooperation-encouraging elements.
The possibilities are real, and definitely creative. Imagine a Grand Arena that partners you with a random guildmate, then during the 24-hour join/pre-view period if you join up you can swap up to 5 characters for purposes of the GA only. You put your five on a slate, your guild mate puts characters on a slate, and if the guild mate puts fewer than you, only the first X number of toons of yours get transferred. Now you're talking to your guild mate, comparing rosters, figuring out how you can best help each other. I have 4 great jedi - but only 4, and I like to run GK with non-jedi. Should I give the 3 to my guild mate and let them run a 5 x Awesome squad? Or have them donate 2 to me, since with Bastila, GMY, and Hoda I have the foundations of a great Jedi squad and only need 2? Does it depend on which of us needs defense, since Bastila is better there?
That kind of cooperation would be cool to see, and limiting it to guildmates further encourages ongoing relationships, since if you were paired with someone outside your guild you might never talk to them again.
With combined-damage-scaling Raid Rewards, or time-to-finish raid rewards, or GA collaboration we can see an increase in the kinds of rewards that float my boat without rocking anyone else's.
That's what I'd like in the new year.