11 months ago
Fleet shard question
Here is my question. I'm lvl 55 and I would like to delay my entering a fleet shard as long as possible, idealy until a fresh batch of ls bundles come out at which point I'll get the hyperdrive and ls bundles. When clicking on fleet shard it says that requirements to enter is lvl 60 AND finishing the fleet commander training. So my question is, can I go above lvl 60 and still not be assigned a fleet shard if I don't conplete the commander training?
For info, played the game for 3 1/2 years, went as far as getting a GL and Executor but deleted my account a couple years back, so starting back from scratch. Started right after the lightspeed bundles expired. Counting on new ones to be available soon. I'm in no rush, I don't mind waiting for a while until they're available again (or new ones are available). I just want to avoid being put in a fleet shard at the moment.
For info, played the game for 3 1/2 years, went as far as getting a GL and Executor but deleted my account a couple years back, so starting back from scratch. Started right after the lightspeed bundles expired. Counting on new ones to be available soon. I'm in no rush, I don't mind waiting for a while until they're available again (or new ones are available). I just want to avoid being put in a fleet shard at the moment.