9 years agoSeasoned Veteran
Future problem: Everybody will be able to defeat everyone!!
Hey all =) I'm a player playing from 1 year ago, leader of World Dream Team, a guild usually in top 10 in the leaderboard, I got my General Kenobi unlocked one week ago, now is maxed, also I have QGJ zeta, and I see that soon or currently we will have a big problem in arena, that is that everybody will be able to defeat everyone.
The zeta abilities makes needed an intelligent control to defeat some teams, like Maul zeta, because of a lot of evasion always is better kill Maul, Palpatine and Vader at the end, but the AI attacks are random so maybe they attack them at he beginning, with a lot of dodges, stealth, critical immunity, so the AI is very bad against Maul teams, and same against Vader teams with Boba, specially if the enemy has Chirrut or Kenobi or both, then Boba needs be killed first, but the AI in most of cases will not attack Boba, and if attack Boba he will resurrect and gain the buff again after kill some character, and the same happens against QGJ zeta, the AI is dodging all the time.
Soon, in old servers, everyone will get the first zeta and will unlock Kenobi, most of people will apply zeta to QGJ, Vader or Maul, the AI is very bad against Boba in Maul or Vader zeta teams, against Anakin in QGJ zeta teams, there is not any good team in defense, everybody will be able to defeat everyone.
Also with Chirrut and Baze, or only with Baze and an intelligent control in offense, there is players that can defeat good teams, for example I have QGJ, Yoda, Kenobi, Wedge and Biggs, that is very good team, but a team with wedge, Biggs, Anakin, Baze and TIE fighter can defeat me, for example, because the AI is bad against Anakin, against Baze in defense, also against TIE fighter in defense is bad, so these teams without Kenobi and without zetas also can defeat QGJ zeta teams.
This is a game to try to be better than the rest in the arena, is the fun thing, is not a game about characters collection, so if I cannot be better than the rest of players, when I have a good team with good mods, will become very boring, the artificial intelligence is very bad against the zeta teams.
I think the most important thing for the developers would be try to improve the artificial intelligence, because will be very frustrating always lose in defense, and will not be fun have a team that everyone can defeat, the only way to be better will be have the best mods, very hard to get, like get 260 speed in Boba, or something like this, to block abilities at the beginning and be faster than all zeta teams in the server, and anyway is not hard to defeat these teams with very good mods, I'm defeating a whale with Maul zeta in my server very easily and he has +115 speed in Boba, +100 speed in Palpatine, +90 in Maul zeta, Vader and B2, and anyway is easy, so the game will become very boring if everyone can defeat everybody.
I have been getting be always top 10 in my arena because always I'm the first to get the new characters that help in defense, first to get RG, first to get Shoretrooper, first to get Baze and Chirrut, one of the first to get Kenobi, so usually I had some advantage in the arena that allow me get rank 1 with only 2-3 attempts, sometimes 1, but now with the zetas and Kenobi it will change and probably we will have a problem with it.
What do you think? =)
The zeta abilities makes needed an intelligent control to defeat some teams, like Maul zeta, because of a lot of evasion always is better kill Maul, Palpatine and Vader at the end, but the AI attacks are random so maybe they attack them at he beginning, with a lot of dodges, stealth, critical immunity, so the AI is very bad against Maul teams, and same against Vader teams with Boba, specially if the enemy has Chirrut or Kenobi or both, then Boba needs be killed first, but the AI in most of cases will not attack Boba, and if attack Boba he will resurrect and gain the buff again after kill some character, and the same happens against QGJ zeta, the AI is dodging all the time.
Soon, in old servers, everyone will get the first zeta and will unlock Kenobi, most of people will apply zeta to QGJ, Vader or Maul, the AI is very bad against Boba in Maul or Vader zeta teams, against Anakin in QGJ zeta teams, there is not any good team in defense, everybody will be able to defeat everyone.
Also with Chirrut and Baze, or only with Baze and an intelligent control in offense, there is players that can defeat good teams, for example I have QGJ, Yoda, Kenobi, Wedge and Biggs, that is very good team, but a team with wedge, Biggs, Anakin, Baze and TIE fighter can defeat me, for example, because the AI is bad against Anakin, against Baze in defense, also against TIE fighter in defense is bad, so these teams without Kenobi and without zetas also can defeat QGJ zeta teams.
This is a game to try to be better than the rest in the arena, is the fun thing, is not a game about characters collection, so if I cannot be better than the rest of players, when I have a good team with good mods, will become very boring, the artificial intelligence is very bad against the zeta teams.
I think the most important thing for the developers would be try to improve the artificial intelligence, because will be very frustrating always lose in defense, and will not be fun have a team that everyone can defeat, the only way to be better will be have the best mods, very hard to get, like get 260 speed in Boba, or something like this, to block abilities at the beginning and be faster than all zeta teams in the server, and anyway is not hard to defeat these teams with very good mods, I'm defeating a whale with Maul zeta in my server very easily and he has +115 speed in Boba, +100 speed in Palpatine, +90 in Maul zeta, Vader and B2, and anyway is easy, so the game will become very boring if everyone can defeat everybody.
I have been getting be always top 10 in my arena because always I'm the first to get the new characters that help in defense, first to get RG, first to get Shoretrooper, first to get Baze and Chirrut, one of the first to get Kenobi, so usually I had some advantage in the arena that allow me get rank 1 with only 2-3 attempts, sometimes 1, but now with the zetas and Kenobi it will change and probably we will have a problem with it.
What do you think? =)