They did tell us but this is the same problem we had with 6 dot mods not being equipable (is that a word?) by chars not yet gear 12? It doesn't actually tell you in-game. It arguably should be inferred since stats are different and no pictures for others using the same item, but that's not good enough. You shouldn't have to seek out important info like that outside of the game. It would be just as easy for someone to make the assumption that pictures not showing up is a bug. It sucks for those that have messed up and I personally don't understand why you'd want to craft and save it but to each his own. But CG really needs to get better at providing all necessary info IN-GAME. Especially when a change is made that is completely different to the normal way things work. Any equipment with the same name was the same equipment until now. Everything was interchangeable. Why would someone assume any different now? That's something that should necessitate a warning or something IN-GAME. it's not a difficult programming task to accomplish. It's just lazy and/or an oversight.