6 months agoNew Scout
GAC Issue
Somehow I just won my GAC round, but I was relegated back from K3 to K4. I’m not sure how that happened.
Somehow I just won my GAC round, but I was relegated back from K3 to K4. I’m not sure how that happened.
Relegations after the squish can't happen until after your first match finishes. Your SR was squished below the threshold before the match started, and winning the match didn't give you enough SR back to get back over the threshold.
This feels bad and you're not the first person to mention it, but it is normal. It happens to most of us, and those who it hasn't happened to yet will probably experience it eventually. The closer you stay to a line between divisions the more often it'll come up.
That makes absolutely no sense. I have been winning and was over 50 points above the line between K4 and K3. Plus I scored hundreds of points in my last win. There’s no reason for me to get relegated. And this BS game not making it right and keeping me down when I shouldn’t be, is absolutely ridiculous.
Skill Rating doesn't matter. It's where you are on the ladder.
Unless I’m mistaken, the line between K3 and K4 is 3130, so at the end of the last GAC season you were only 4 points above the line.
The squish happened on 16 July, which dropped you 48 points below the line. The reward for winning that first round was only 42 points.
I’m not sure why you mentioned scoring hundreds of points in your last win. A win is a win - your skill rating will never be affected by the margin of your victory.
The squish put me from above the K1 line to below it too - it did that to every player in my bracket and hundreds more. For some of those players, winning round 1 would not have given them enough points to get above the line.
dude gac is weird. i lost all three gacs one time and got promoted from arodium 3 to chromium 2. like what
Unfortunately the squish dropped you. It’s been a running issue but I don’t see it getting fixed any time soon.
As another posted, the squish had been happening for quite a while and many of us that live on the edge of brackets get pushed down after the first battle in the new season after a squish.
the real question is what are CGs end state goals with the size of each bracket?
The rewards are crystals the lifeblood of the game to progress. Are they determined to slow progression down for those that don’t spend actual money to keep pace with those around the same GP level?
I think their goal is for GAC to reward based on overall rank. If you’re an average player, you should be in Chromium, if you’re in the top 20% you should be in Kyber. The squish mostly seems to be used to nudge the population on the whole toward that distribution.
I know a lot of players feel like they should have a steady progression upward, and it would probably feel more satisfying for players, but that doesn’t seem to have ever been a goal of CGs, either GAC or in the old squad arena system.
The entire skill squish is a buggy bandaid CG is using to hide the lack of ability to balance the rankings in a meaningful way. Will it change? Probably not, so we live with it.
It's the third time that CG did this. My motivation is really low to play this game mode. I dropped again to K2 and this time I would need 2 wins to get back to K1 again. It doesn't make fun... I think I will stay at K2 and invest only a little bit time at the matches where I can win easily. I will stop buying the reroll material for the datacrons - in K2 I don't need good datacrons. I will save time, crystals and money. Not win-win but the best solution for me.