GAC: Simplified and (hopefully) more fun
I've read several threads about GAC and the aspects of it that some (many) people dislike. I have encountered plenty of these issues over the years, but couldn't come up with a realistic way to fix them. Until I tripped over an idea today.
A significant point of frustration for what seems like lots of people centers around match ups versus people with wildly more GP than they have. A 6M GP account taking on an 11.7M GP monster isn't much of a fight most of the time. This issue is highlighted when the big account is hovering in Bronzium or even Carbonite.
Sometimes big accounts being so low in the GAC brackets is a result of deliberate choices made by the players, but "Skill Squish" also plays a role in pushing some people down into lower brackets. CG has been pretty blunt about their effort to limit the number of people in Kyber (especially K1).
So here's my thought, and yes it's a variation on a couple other people's suggestions. Base GAC brackets on GP. 0-600k is Carbonite 5. Kyber 1 is 15,000,001+. It means no opponents more than 600k higher or lower than you, but it also means a well build 6.4M account still probably beats a 6.9M bloated account.
There's still motivation to win individual GAC tourneys and fights for immediate rewards too. This would all but eliminate player frustration over GAC matchmaking, provide clear, predictable progression up through GAC brackets, and still limit the total number of people in the highest brackets. Obviously, eventually the community would climb higher, and that may lead to adjustment in the future, but this would be a huge step in a better direction.