Forum Discussion

Saranay-Mito's avatar
12 months ago

Galactic Conquest Apology

Dear CG Team,

you say you are sorry for the frustration caused by your untested game.
Instead of giving some crystals for the hours / days of frustration you simply send us a pack to refund us the bare minimum. Which is the ingame energy we lost as well as the consumable items we have used.

3 character shards dont cut it. If you care At All for your players, at least send out something more.
This whole event of the conquest was bugged from the start and caused a lot of trouble for players.

The "free" pack was also bugged by you on the webstore which is honestly quite impressive ...
We have for every single release new bugs.
From Leviathan, to Leia, the conquest and now the conquest "free" store item.

I guess I can speak for many of us, but we are starting to have had enough.
We love the game, else we would not be here anymore.

But if you dont show you care for your player base which in the end pays for this game, then it may be time to move on.

To all the players on the forum:
Lets pray the galactic conquest is not further bugged and good luck!
  • "Saranay;c-2442620" wrote:
    "I_JnK_I;c-2442612" wrote:
    You guys are really getting to entitled for make goods. You got the 2 days of energy back. The timer thing is kind of a bummer, that is okay. They could have put up some health packs for compensation that it.

    Stop pretending like this is the most game breaking bug the world has seen an CG has to kiss your toes to make up for that.

    So a compensation = refunding the bare minimum and not even a compensation for lost time. Suuuure we all should be grateful and kiss their toes instead ??

    What the heck?

    As I said, put in some more stim packs and you will be good. Or extend the event for 2 days, then you have your time back.

    In case you mean the time you yoinked by putting in a needlessly amount of tries into a node that is knowingly bugged/too overpowered: Ah hell naw
  • riklass's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    "Cheesio;c-2442548" wrote:
    I was thinking the same .. by now I’m normally well into sector 4, this time, not even near sector 2 (just did it after the fix)
    Even with the free energy.. toon vitality won’t let me catch up to where I should be..
    Totally not a viable sorry
    I’ve wasted Crystals and 4 days of conquest timer

    There are 11 days left. Do you usually take all 11 days to finish conquest? Prior to this conquest I read too many posts to count where people were finished conquest (red crate, I guess) within 4- 6 days. To my knowledge finishing before the end of the event does not get you the reward crate any quicker. Not sure what your issue is, unless you actually use all 13 days every single time and can't complete any quicker than 13 days.
  • Ya. Too much radical change for me. Introduction of Conquest, “must” get to Hard mode to get critical characters, Leviathan being soooo much of a jump in power compared to previous Capital ships, then this Conquest debacle and today dropping GLs for a pittance. I feel like I’m chasing a bird on the ground that’s only going to fly away just when I think I’ll catch it. I can’t trust this game to play fair like it was in the past. I’m done.