Forum Discussion
I'm kind of in the middle. I have all the Spectres at R5+ (as in R5 Ezra, R6 Hera). I do wish Ahsoka herself could hit a bit harder, maybe not for 50k right off the bat, but maybe for just a bit more than 10k total on a crit. Plus, along with all the bugs, like Huyang not hitting enough times with his special. And maybe it's just because I'm not using the right strategy, but I would like it if I'm going against Leia (in SA for now) to be able to at least put a dent in her and not have to watch one of my characters be one-shot by Drogan.
That said, I have had constant success against Jabba with full banners, so now I don't have to risk timing out with JMK, losing with SLKR+Wat (HC can hit very hard sometimes, especially with DCs) or taking a chance with Leia (again, DCs can turn Jabba into a nightmare, and I'd like to have something saved up in case there's a Leia in the back row in GAC). She also does well against JMK (in SA at least), the only losses I've had were either when I had just unlocked her or because of the missing buttons bug (it happens very often, particularly right or a little after I use her first Ult). She is also an absolute beast on Coruscant in RotE, I just put her on auto and she just one-shots anyone she gets her hands on.
Do I think she could use a buff? Yes, but not anything major.
- DUNCAN19193 days agoRising Veteran
She isnt meant to hit hard, that's Sabines jb. Hhow can you have made this investment and not seen she is a Tank or paid any attention to how the team works?
- Tenebrae-36263 days agoRising Ace
I pay attention to the team and try to ramp up Sabine's damage output, but I still think Ahsoka could hit for just a bit more than 10k on a crit. How hard Ahsoka herself hits isn't even the only issue I or other players have brought up, but if you're only going to focus on that, JML and Leia are tanks, yet they hit very hard. Care to explain?
- O_Canhao_do_Amor2 days agoNew Novice
No need for assumptions ;) I knew from the start that she was a tank, and I'm not referring to her damage, but to the team's mechanics and performance as a whole against other squads. As I wrote, I refer mainly to the cost/benefit ratio.
Just for comparison, Leia (whose requirements are 1 Relic 8, 6 x R7, 4 x R5, 4 x R3 - no Conquest requirements) is also a tank. However, Leia does hit harder than GL Ahsoka and, moreover, works decently with any rebel! The same goes for Jabba (1 x R8, 5 x R7, 2 x R6, 3 x R5, 1 x R4, 3 x R3 - no Conquest requirements), who is only support, but has a decent ultimate. And if you'd like to make it even more evident, I can suggest a single guy: Bane.
I do also understand that the Spectres are new, so there is room for improvement. Yet, I stand by what I've said: GL Ahsoka (3 x R9, 2 x R8, 7 x R7, 4 x R5, and that is really bad without Conquest's Ezra) is the worse investment I've ever made in this game.
- gsz5j8qhzpb42 days agoNew Adventurer
I think that the 3 R9s are the tipping point for "worth it." I'm guessing there will be upcoming units that really help the team (hopefully not conq units). The bugs just take time. I don't have GLAT yet, but her team has some complex abilities and uniques, so the bugs are somewhat excusable.
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