Forum Discussion

DarthDarkness1's avatar
3 hours ago

Guilds and n Recruitment

Hi folks. So I’m an officer for a Semi competitive guild, We have anywhere between 150-160m Gp over the past 3 months we have a TW Record of 8-4 W/L ratio, Not too bad going. We used to have around 45-50 members however as of late have been struck by a wave of players leaving. The players who have left us have all expressed love for the guild and expressed they have enjoyed their time with us, However have got “bored of the game” or “can’t find the time for the game” or just have moved along to see where the galaxy takes them. We have dropped to 35 Members. I’ve spent the past Couple of weeks purely just trying to recruit via DC servers (Would be the best play to get someone in as they can join our DC server) But to no Avail. Over the weekend we lost one more player however gained 4 new ones, (2 of which were alt accounts at around 1.5m GP) and another Two whom have not joined the discord and one hasn’t been active since getting them in. Trying to find players is a task that is not only gruelling but also virtually impossible. Why Guilds are not more accessible or suggested to players who are around that level I don’t not know. I’ve had a merger suggested before hand however this would only be possible if a guild had less than 15 players and would be happy merging into us. Fortunately the 35 members we have leftover all love the guild, are very passionate and one of them even has expressed to help out bringing over a 9.6m gp main account. 22 of our remaining members have over 4m Gp. However it’s just about trying to find active players. I’m not fussed about GP whatsoever obviously the player would have to be able to contribute to TW or a raid in some way so would need some sort of decent teams to get banners ect, Anyone got any advice or suggestions on what to do in this situation? Many Thanks for reading :) 

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