Forum Discussion

robertmenn's avatar
8 years ago

Help with squad configuration

Currently I'm running:

Emperor Palpatine (85/7/Gear X)
Darth Vader (85/7/Gear X)
Boba Fett (85/7/Gear IX)
Darth Maul (85/7/Gear X)
Savage Opress (85/7/Gear X)

And currently I'm sitting at 165 in arena rank. But I was thinking about leveling and gearing up Shoretrooper and TFP and replacing the Brothers with these two Empire troops.

Good or bad idea? And if yes, who leads, Emperor or Vader? I have NO ZETAs. Obviously the goal is to go higher in Arena.

Any input is greatly appreciated. I'm on a tough Shard with seemingly tons of dolphins and whales.
  • So we just gonna act like I didn't ask a serious question?


    I see how it is. Lol
  • I do have a decent Royal Guard. But wasn't planning on using him if I'm gonna use Shoretrooper.
  • I think shore and tfp would be great additions and I'd recommend doing just that. That said I haven't used Savage since the rework so can't say as to how effective he and Maul are. Seems you should be a higher rank than what you are currently. Also I'd swap Vader for RG in the meanwhile, unless you hit him 180+ speed he's just a liability until zeta.
  • "WrathofCaedus;917868" wrote:
    I think shore and tfp would be great additions and I'd recommend doing just that. That said I haven't used Savage since the rework so can't say as to how effective he and Maul are. Seems you should be a higher rank than what you are currently. Also I'd swap Vader for RG in the meanwhile, unless you hit him 180+ speed he's just a liability until zeta.

    I don't know how to get any higher. None of them are heavily modded yet, that's probably a big reason.

    But Vader does wonders with an Emperor lead. One hit kill with Culling Blade after his Force Blast.
  • I've been slowly grinding my way to the top. When Arena first hit I was 1100+. Now I'm finally under 200.

    Didn't know TFP would work so well so I didn't farm him early on.

    I almost have him to 6 stars.
  • You need mods. Mods mods mods mods. You will do much better with mods. You need speed. Speed is what you need.

    If you take out the sith brothers and put in TFP and RG, you will get my team. I took #1 with it a month ago, yesterday #12 I think. Shoretrooper is better, RG makes you a target (like me *sad face*), but will work until your ShoreT is geared.

    I think zMaul lead is going to take over soon with the crit immunity thing, so get on that Zeta ASAP.
  • Yeah, been working my ships so I can farm Zeta material. Taking forever though. Much like my initial Arena rank, my ships started out WAY low. Close to 3000. I'm down to about the 600 mark but it's hard.