Forum Discussion

ARC-CaptainRex's avatar
9 years ago

I Have Anxiety

I've been playing since mid-November. I spend approximately 3-5 hrs/day on SWGoH. I've spent countless hours in frustration grinding for gear. I've even caved and bought a few chests of crystals I can't afford. The result? I have an Arena team that is 100% maxed out in *, gear, level, everything. It's my pride and joy. I've finished in the top 3. I've taken down whale teams. I've stuck to my plan, even though it meant not focusing on the speed and dodge metas, and have still been able to prosper through dedication and strategy. I had just gotten to the point where I could start building up some fun toons that I personally like.

In less than an hour, that all went away. Now, anyone blessed with $$$ can take a single toon and wipe out my entire team by themselves. All I can think about is what's the point? I had to spend 80% of my crystals to regain my 600 guild currency (thanks for wiping that out that btw), and after finishing a bunch of hard battles, I didn't know what to do. Why should I grind 50 cuffs (as I've done 8 times in the past) to push my toon to the next gear level when a mod can enable a 4* toon (yes I'm looking at you Rey) to obliterate all of my toons without breaking a sweat? I guess I feel betrayed? Or maybe it's because I had no idea it was possible to instantly destroy months of time and energy, that could of been spent being productive and making friends. Anyway, sorry for the long post. This was pretty therapeutic, and I can actually sleep now.
  • "BMC_TYT;549396" wrote:
    Or is it a man??

    Don't really please whine about the whining please.
  • "BMC_TYT;549412" wrote:
    Yes, I do admit, I am complaining...because there is thread after thread about how much people hate this and how bad EA is and literally all negative posts...I enjoy the change and personally think the game was getting stale. No one feels remotely feels this way?

    Yeah the game was definitely getting boring...but thats really on EA for releasing updates like map dlcs for Call of Duty...of course maps don't need much testing just like what they did for this update.

    They could have made realtime pvp battles, randomized dungeons, a story mode, but nope they just have premade set in stone battles with some rng elements thrown in.
  • "Keyper;549417" wrote:
    "BMC_TYT;549399" wrote:
    Your mind is weak Keyper, and that is the way it will remain I am sure

    So weak that I almost fell for:

    "BMC_TYT;549392" wrote:
    When complete, I assure you that this is the way it is supposed to be.

    No Darth Vader lady in real life, I will not be mind controlled!

    Hey Keyper, I'm pretty sure we are in the same arena shard!

    My user name is Gaidal Cane.
  • "BMC_TYT;549497" wrote:
    Typically, when I am going to place I do not want to be, I leave. When I am satisfied and happy with where I am at, I Stay. No one is forcing anyone to stay.

    Yeah, you're right.

    Guys, stop forcing him/her to read and stay in threads he/she doesn't like. If that's not enough, he's being forced to multi post! Stop it!

    Or did I get it wrong? He/she likes this kinda threads?

    We love this game, we have given lots of time and money to the game. If we don't like something, we have the right to "whine" if that's we want to do. You love the update? Feel free to do so like some have, started threads or mentioned why they like the mods system etc. Stop condescending others. Your opinion on the game might matter to EA. Your opinion on us and our opinions just muddy up a perfectly civil discussion were trying to have with the devs. Unless you're trolling. You have us beat if that's the case. You win.
  • "Keyper;549490" wrote:
    "Gaidal_Cain;549451" wrote:

    Hey Keyper, I'm pretty sure we are in the same arena shard!

    My user name is Gaidal Cane.

    Your right! I remember seeing you today. Hello.

    Ullo you two. Wondered when Id see someone from my shard
  • "Bjorne_Fellhanded;549772" wrote:
    "Keyper;549490" wrote:
    "Gaidal_Cain;549451" wrote:

    Hey Keyper, I'm pretty sure we are in the same arena shard!

    My user name is Gaidal Cane.

    Your right! I remember seeing you today. Hello.

    Ullo you two. Wondered when Id see someone from my shard

    What's up Bjorne? Yesterday was probably the first time I've been able to beat your team in arena, lol.

    For better or worse, it was the mods.
  • I have been number one on my server everyday for 4 months. I can't win an arena battle. Literally can't win. And I have a mod Rey, RG, QGJ, Leia. Can't win. So frustrated.