Forum Discussion

Stenun's avatar
6 years ago

I'm still not convinced ...

There is a claim I have seen repeated several times on this forum that the percentage chance of a node dropping its primary reward is 30%.
I remain unconvinced.
Firstly, if this was the average then I would have roughly as many days above that % as I do below. That's how an average works - it's in the middle. If I see 5 days in a month dropping less than that then surely I should see at least a few days per month dropping more? But I never do.

Also, it seems obvious to me that certain nodes have different drop rates from certain other nodes. Is the 30% figure supposed to be the average for each individual node or is it the average across ALL nodes? Because I'd be more willing to accept the latter but some people seem to insist it's the former.

Anyway, I'm curious as to who else agrees with me that the 30% claim is wrong.