Forum Discussion

a3ddf5adffef79b2's avatar
New Spectator
12 months ago

Important point to keep in mind

As has been mentioned in some scattered posts in different threads, the lightspeed bundles are a combination distraction and cash grab. Nothing the playerbase is angry about has been addressed. Recent bug incidents, communication, conquest overtuning and changes…all of that is being sidelined by excitement about or opposition to the new bundles while CG rakes in what I’m guessing is a very tidy profit. Little or none of that will be put back into the game in the form of increased budget for community management or testing, it will just pad the bottom line. It’s fine to debate the bundles but they didn’t address the problems, if anything they’ve increased them as CG will feel they can do pretty much anything they want as long as they put some cheap bundles out which is win/win for them.
  • "Captain_Drogan;c-2443183" wrote:
    "SleepingNinja;c-2443163" wrote:
    "Ultra;c-2443024" wrote:
    They don’t do distraction decisions

    Illegible stuff

    You expect a lot for $10

    It's sad that that's what you got out of my complaint. Which was mostly focused on the hyper difficulty increase on normal mode conquest.
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    "SleepingNinja;c-2443163" wrote:
    "Ultra;c-2443024" wrote:
    They don’t do distraction decisions

    Yeah right, it's just a coincidence those packs didn't include the character Zeta abilities and what's one of the conquest rewards? Oh right, up to 5 Zeta mats. Yeah this totally isn't a distraction to create new types of game bottlenecks.

    They've already admitted and apparently dialed back the difficulty in conquest twice, I can't tell though because I already couldn't unlock hard conquest and for some odd reason I went from being able to get to sector 4 to struggling to beat sector 1 and am basically going to get stuck before I even manage the sector 2 boss.. on NORMAL. Would CG like me to define normal to them? So they can understand what normal means and perhaps come to the genius conclusion that normal never will or needed a difficulty spike. Here I'll even highligh the important parts!

    1 of 2
    : conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine
    : according with, constituting, or not deviating from a norm, rule, procedure, or principle

    Its not that deep bro

    Some level 8 abilities involve omicrons and the pack needs to be as simple as possible and not super descriptive and detailed like X unit will have level 8 ability on basic and level 7 on Unique but level 8 on special ability

    for every toon included in the pack

    Simplest solution is to max them out at ability level 7
  • NotRealUltra's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    One can get almost 5 zeta's from daily challenges lol

    i'm not going to continue engaging in someone who jumps to wild conspiracies as facts lol
  • "Ultra;c-2443222" wrote:
    One can get almost 5 zeta's from daily challenges lol

    i'm not going to continue engaging in someone who jumps to wild conspiracies as facts lol

    Being upset about having my conquest rewards and progress being halted and even pushed back is a wild conspiracy eh? Sorry it was such a problem for me to get 3 zetas, 6 omegas a few G12 pieces and all of 40 carbonite circut boards was such a problem the difficulty needed to be spiked eh?
  • "Captain_Drogan;c-2443234" wrote:
    "SleepingNinja;c-2443231" wrote:
    "Ultra;c-2443222" wrote:
    One can get almost 5 zeta's from daily challenges lol

    i'm not going to continue engaging in someone who jumps to wild conspiracies as facts lol

    Being upset about having my conquest rewards and progress being halted and even pushed back is a wild conspiracy eh? Sorry it was such a problem for me to get 3 zetas, 6 omegas a few G12 pieces and all of 40 carbonite circut boards was such a problem the difficulty needed to be spiked eh?

    I unlocked malicos yesterday (I do gold crate).... I am now in sector 4 with most of the first 3 sector's feats done and am well on my way to another golf crate....

    It was a setback for sure, but it's not the end of the world

    Fair statement. It definitely isn't but it's frusturating because of the effort I put into my account and conquest every month, I was making progress and finally hit the 4th crate (again just to be clear I'm still only talking about Normal conquest mode) for the 1st time last month, I got stuck on S4 mini-boss so I couldn't get farther. Then this month happens and I barely made it past the 1st crate which is a huge setback for me. I don't give a crap about the conquest character shards as I know I'm not at a point in my account to be fully chasing them confidently, but on a whole I need every scrap of relic pieces, G12, mod slicing mats and zeta/omega's I can possibly find.

    As far as the feats go it's absolutely insane they push the same feats on normal mode (and probably easy?) that we need these brand new characters to get them when most of our rosters won't have any of those characters or just a certain section of them even usable (Ex : defeat 5 enemies with Saw Gerrera) so that's definitely been an issue for me this time since I can't do most of the feats I was doing last conquest because they changed but I'll deal with it. Adding such a huge difficulty spike as well really pushed me to a point where I have to wonder if I'll even bother trying anymore. It's not worth the headache especially when I'll just be disappointed in the rewards I get compared to what I could do in the very recent past.
  • "Joebo720;c-2443023" wrote:
    What would make you think that these bundles were released to cover up any issues? Lot of people already had those characters above that level. Does everything need to be some sort of conspiracy?

    And the ones who had some to that level or above the packs are not worth it
  • "Captain_Drogan;c-2443329" wrote:

    If Normal mode was just adjusted yesterday then I think those doing it should be entitled to and receive additional compensation.

    While the feats are the same in nature they aren't the same in quantity. For example, in hard mode it's 10 kills with Saw. A lot of us find ways to "cheese" these feats but, it's admittedly a lot harder to get "Defeat 10 enemies with X" than it is to get "Win with X surviving"...

    Honestly, as far as feats go, as a moderate spender that does hard conquest I skip a lot of them and set my sights on gold crate. This allows me to unlock the last conquest's primary character the first week of the following conquest cycle (2 weeks and a day or two after the red crate folks). It's a good trade off for my sanity.

    I was just doing some normal and I can safely say they're 100% lying about lowering the normal difficulty. I used my standard JKR squard (R3+) against an old republic squad which in the past would always win without losses 100% of the time now are getting wiped by that same squad. To be clear my jedi team could win 3 stars comfortably on sector 3, they're losing to G13 in sector 2. So they didn't "dial back" the difficulty. They just keep saying they did.