Forum Discussion

Messenger02's avatar
3 years ago

Just a thought

I’ve played since release & really enjoy the game. I think CG has done great with 95% of the game. It is frustrating to be a mainly F2P player, but there’s some room for compromise in that area obviously.

GC has received a lot of praise & hate, so I want to be fair.

I enjoy GC & think it’s a great addition to the game; however, as a player whose invested time & money I have some concerns.

GC feels like more of a series of “cheat codes” for the computer controlled toons than anything else. The balance is off.

For example:

Steadfast Retribution which has received plenty of hate is nothing less than a penalty for having a strong team. Reflecting damage back is a strange idea & rewards otherwise weak teams.

Several teams get nearly unlimited attacks like Phoenix Squad for example. Another weak squad getting the best of much better teams.

Envy’s Nest is another good example of an old school cheat code working on behalf of the designers instead of the players.

Honestly, I’m not trying to hate or start a fight, but it seems like the overall mods to the comp just serve to make them overpowered for no good reason.

There are many other creative ways to make a game challenging other reflecting 100% of the damage back @ the player, giving a team unlimited attacks, & making a toon invincible against certain squads.
  • "waxweazle01;c-2320680" wrote:
    Are you some kind of a time traveller?

    AFAIK: The game received a soft launch in Australia during October 2015, and was formally released on November 24, 2015. Playing since 2013 seems impressive for me.

    Regarding the kits of the mentioned chars, they are not that cheat-code-like if you use the right tools against them. The GAC / GC peek - yes its annoying.

    Just remember starting play while living oversees…sorry I can’t keep up with what year it was released…

    Anyway, why don’t you suggest something useful if you’re gonna reply like how to keep Enfy from stacking bonus protections & being invincible I.e…cheat code
  • Enfys is not invincible on the first hit she takes after her turn. Time your big hits for right after she goes. Keep her stunned or dazed and she can't counter attack. Geonosions, Troopers (if you are careful with you timing and don't use Piett or have Starck zeta), and other teams with heavy hitters (not CLS though)

    Do not reduce her turn meter, she has to take a turn for you to kill her.

    Then, of course, there are toons like Darth Nihilus and The Mandalorian who can straight up destroy her regardless.

    Or use Jedi Knight Revan, or any toons that reduce max health.

    Really there are lots of ways to kill her
  • Enfys: big hits and stun/daze nullify her ability. You don’t want turn meter reduction, so leave CLS rebels on the bench. Stuff like first order, Jedi, and Sith are good. Also toons that ignore protection like Mother Talzin and Sith assassin.

    Pheonix: they only multi attack if they crit. Padme teams are good at avoiding crits. Start with CLS rebels to get the upper hand early. Use an AoE daze like Bo-Katan or Darth Maul to shut down counters multi attacks. GAS also prevents crits on out of turn attacks.

    Steadfast retribution: By far the hardest to counter. I use NS since they can just keep reviving through the damage and have a lot of healing. Zealous ambition makes NS a force since Asajj, Daka, MT are all support. Padme also counters SR pretty well. Imp troopers can work against slower teams - you’re safe if they never take a turn to hit you. If you have him, SEE can solo any GAS or SR team you find pretty easily for 3* finish.

    Hope some of that helps.
  • Steadfast Retribution is probably the single most consistently hated thing throughout Galactic Challenges and Conquest since both have been released. I have never seen something receive as much united complaints in this game than this Galactic Republic modifier, and I was there when they removed the sound from Jango's Basic Ability to sound like regular blasters (Which they promptly undid).
  • Thanks all for the replies, especially @Clanomadd & @CarSickShoe for the tips. Unfortunately for me, my best teams are CLS, Clones, & Bounty Hunters (no 7* mando) so dealing with a relic tier Enfy is just about impossible for me.
  • Blubcop's avatar
    Rising Newcomer
    A CLS Team with Han, cheque, c3po and chewpio can also deal with steadfast retribution. The modifier won't kill you and it's possible to outrun the team if you kill Anakin fast