Pros of Kylo Ren:
1) Strong Force lineage - doesn't get stronger than the Skywalker line.
2) Was trained by Luke Skywalker - has clear Light Side knowledge (mostly Jedi)
3) Was trained (partially) by Snoke - has clear Dark Side knowledge (not necessarily Sith)
4) Took a bowcaster to the torso and kept fighting - considering what it did to everyone else, quite the feat!
5) Had the tar beaten out of him and managed to escape - same as his uncle Luke.
Cons of Kylo Ren
1) Whiny and sulky - granted, Vader was like this too just without the whiny part
2) Whupped by an untrained whelp in the Force - granted, Rey's family could be part-Skywalker/Kenobi/Palpatine but this was pretty ridiculous.