Forum Discussion

Kornby's avatar
Seasoned Novice
3 hours ago

LSBs and Nervous Spending


Anyone else find themselves nervous to buy resources for any character that is over ~1 year old? 

I feel like LSBs were great for new accounts to get into and invested in the game... I have an LSB account that is less than a year old. The true issue with LSBs are the lack of transparency to how they are going to change over time. For example, I want to start a Bad Batch grind, and would even consider spending for shards/kyro/etc, but the characters are years old at this point and could easily be included in a LSB. This means I could potentially waste hundreds of dollars and I am just not willing to accept that.

I think they need to increase the visibility to the plan for LSBs DRAMATICALLY. They should let us know, at least a hint, at what they are targeting for future LSBs. They should let us know if the old ones are going to return. They should give us that transparency so we can make purchases with confidence. I am willing to bet that their bottom-line would increase if their player base had more visibility to their thoughts and ideas for LSB content.


  • I don't think you get how mobile games with paid for elements work.

    Its not in CGs interest to let players know in advance what is coming at cheaper prices, why would they want to lose out on your potential increased spending? Similarly they won't put them on sale permanently as then they won't create FOMO to buy these.

    Also utter nonsense that their bottom line would increase as you've already stated that you could waste "hundreds of dollars" on them.

    Seriously could you imagine it being mentioned at a CG/EA meeting?

    "We're going to roadmap all our LSB packs in advance as we think that will increase our bottom-line"

    "Wait, won't players who might be tempted to spend more now then just wait till they can get those characters for a fraction of the cost....won't everyone? Not to mention their will be no FOMO impulse spending from lower spenders"

    Why don't you contact other companies and ask that they tell you in advance when the items you want will be on sale as it will improve their bottom line....I'm sure they wont laugh...

    • Kornby's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      I would argue against many of your points. Thank you for your conceited reply though.

      Their profits have gone down, not up, since the introduction of LSBs. I think you overestimate the value of these LSBs. They are lower cost bundles that require very high sales to be feasible. I believe many people have slowed their spending as they wait for LSBs, the data backs this idea up as well though it may be for a number of reasons. I do not think people are willing to waste "hundreds of dollars", and if they do.... many of them quit the game and all repeat spending is gone (I would). Getting a few hundred dollars out of a high spending account, just to lose them long-term, is not a good strategy for a game. Personally I want to spend on a number of older teams, but I will not... because of LSBs. 

      I did not say they should roadmap all LSBs. That is a wild take. I just said they should give us an idea of their plans for the future, they should give us more transparency... I even said, "even a hint". Your points are not functionally wrong, I just think the strategy you are outlining is preventing a lot of spending that would have otherwise taken place. This strategy destroys consumer confidence and inarguably prevents many sales from taking place. Most of the time there is a level of guilt when you spend money on a mobile game for pixels. They have combined this guilt with fear that not only will you get nothing physical for your money, but everyone else will get those same pixels for a fraction of the price.